
:fox_face: A CLI tool for GitLab

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golab is a command line tool that make working with GitLab easier.


  • Easy to configure gitlab settings
  • Show all merge requests that created by you or assigned to you
  • Open page in default browser
  • Shows project which depend on a certain package (Golang: go.mod, PHP: composer.json)
  • Lint .gtilab-ci.yml



brew install cloudingcity/tap/golab


Download the pre-built binaries from the Releases page. Extract them, move it to your $PATH.

curl -OL https://github.com/cloudingcity/golab/releases/download/v0.6.1/golab_0.6.1_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz
tar -xzvf golab_0.6.1_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz
mv golab /usr/local/bin/golab
golab version


git clone git@github.com:cloudingcity/golab.git
cd golab
make install

Command Usage

A CLI tool for gitlab

  golab [command]

Available Commands:
  ci          Manage gitlab ci
  clone       Clone a repository from GitLab
  config      Init or list golab CLI options
  depend      Shows project which depend on a certain package
  mr          Manage merge requests
  own         Manage own resources
  project     Manage projects
  version     Print version number of golab

  -h, --help   help for golab

Use "golab [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Initial config

$ golab config init                                                                                                    master ↓ 1 ↑ 1 ✚ 1 
Gitlab Host [https://gitlab.com]: <INPUT>
Create a token here: https://gitlab.com/profile/personal_access_tokens
Gitlab Token (scope: api) [None]: <INPUT>

Config saved to /Users/<USER>/.config/golab.yaml

Clone repository from GitLab

$ golab clone pokemon/eevee
# git clone git@gitlab.com:pokemon/eevee.git

Create a merge request

  1. Push local branch to remote repository
  2. Opening merge request page in browser
$ golab mr create
Branch 'foo' set up to track remote branch 'foo' from 'origin'.

Opening https://example.com/pokemon/trainer/merge_requests/new?merge_request%5Bsource_branch%5D=foo in your browser

Show current repository merge requests

$ golab mr list
  MRID   TITLE                        URL                                                                   
  1      Catch your first Pokémon     https://example.com/pokemon/trainer/merge_requests/1  
  2      To become a Pokémon Master   https://example.com/pokemon/trainer/merge_requests/2  

Show all merge requests that assigned to you

$ golab own mr list --review
  PID    MRID   PROJECT           TITLE                        URL                                                                   
  4255   1      pokemon/trainer   Catch your first Pokémon     https://example.com/pokemon/trainer/merge_requests/1  
  4255   2      pokemon/trainer   To become a Pokémon Master   https://example.com/pokemon/trainer/merge_requests/2  

Open merge requests page in browser

$ golab mr open <MR-ID>

Show pokemon/eevee composer package which project depend on

$ golab depend php pokemon/eevee --group pokemon
  vaporeon   v0.1.2    master    https://example.com/pokemon/vaporeon
  jolteon    v1.2.0    staging   https://example.com/pokemon/jolteon
  flareon    v3.0.0    staging   https://example.com/pokemon/flareon

Show example.com/pokemon/eevee go modules which project depend on

$ golab depend go example.com/pokemon/eevee --group pokemon
  vaporeon   v0.1.2    master    https://example.com/pokemon/vaporeon
  jolteon    v1.2.0    staging   https://example.com/pokemon/jolteon
  flareon    v3.0.0    staging   https://example.com/pokemon/flareon

Check .gitlab-ci.yml is valid

$ golab ci lint .gitlab-ci.yml


Running gitlab on a container

docker-compose up -d