- alanmarazziMosaicoon SPA
- anderserikssonAvanza Bank
- avelino@buserbrasil
- barbagrigiaSaint Petersburg
- BorisVSchmidWageningen University & Research
- chanshunliHulunote
- chronakaziFOEsoft
- chunsj
- dark4eg
- dfcarpenter@microsoft
- drhops
- exceptionzprojectSomewhere between / and /home/user/
- fp-aliceSpatial Informatics Group
- freespiritSofia, Bulgaria
- geekerzpChina
- ghosthamletThe Rest Is Silence of Code
- jamesnyikaVocanter LLC
- jdkealyib5k
- jiyouyou125beijing,china
- joelkuiperGroningen, The Netherlands
- jolbyEvocomputing, Inc.
- kieranbrowneAustralia
- kovasbNew York City
- legkvla
- lockieMontenegro, Podgorica
- olegakbarov@ourzora
- paultopiaAll over.
- plandes
- qiaoyunruiSina
- rbnx
- redonionknight
- shanipribadiBandung, Indonesia
- sudorandom@sybogames
- thomasbrus@bookingexperts
- TuesdayHatSeattle, WA
- whilo@lambdaforge