
A Go Package for CloudMailin incoming and outbound email via JSON HTTP POST.

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CloudMailin Go Package

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A Go SDK for CloudMailin incoming and outbound email via JSON HTTP POST.

Please see the Documentation for more details and examples.



You can install the package using:

go get -u github.com/cloudmailin/cloudmailin-go

Receiving Email

We recommend you take a look at our Documentation for a more detailed example but here's a snippet:

import (


func handleIncomingPOST(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	// Parse the message from the request body
	message, err := cloudmailin.ParseIncoming(req.Body)
	if err != nil {
		// Print an error message if parsing fails
		fmt.Fprint(w, "Error parsing message: ", err)

	// Output the first instance of the message-id in the headers to show
	// that we correctly parsed the message. We could also use the helper
	// message.Headers.MessageID().
	fmt.Fprint(w, "Thanks for message: ", message.Headers.First("message_id"))

// This example shows how to parse the incoming JSON sent by Cloudmailin
// and create an instance of the IncomingMail type.
func main() {
	http.HandleFunc("/", handleIncomingPOST)

	// Start the HTTP server to listen for HTTP POST
	http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)

Sending Email

We recommend you take a look at our Documentation for a more detailed example:

package main

import (


func main() {
	// Create the default CloudMailin Client. This example will
	// panic if there are any failures at all.
	client, err := cloudmailin.NewClient()
	if err != nil {

// SMTP Settings will be taken from CLOUDMAILIN_SMTP_URL env variable by
// default but they can be overridden.
// client.SMTPAccountID = ""
// client.SMTPToken = ""

	// Create an instance of cloudmailin.OutboundMailAttachment
	attachment, err := cloudmailin.AttachmentFromFile("./logo.png")
	if err != nil {

// Generate an example email
message := cloudmailin.OutboundMail{
		From:     "sender@example.com",
		To:       []string{"debug@example.net"},
		CC:       []string{"carbon@example.net"},
		Headers:  map[string][]string{"x-agent": {"cloudmailin-go"}},
		Subject:  "Hello From Go",
		Plain:    "Hello World",
		HTML:     "<h1>Hello!</h1>\nWorld",
		Priority: "",
		Tags:     []string{"go"},
		Attachments: []cloudmailin.OutboundMailAttachment{attachment},
		TestMode: true,

// This will re-write the message struct based on the
// JSON returned from the call if successful.
_, err = client.SendMail(&message)
if err != nil {

// The message.ID should now be populated
fmt.Printf("ID: %t, Tags: %s", message.ID != "", message.Tags)


Although we experimented with code generators none of them provided the experience that we desired.

This code was built inside a docker container in VSCode. Contact us if you would like to make use of any of those tools.