
The CloudMailin documentation ready for you to fork and submit patches!

Primary LanguageRuby

CloudMailin Open Source Documentation

We're constantly looking for ways to improve CloudMailin and innovate to give the best we possibly can to our users. Since most of our users are developers it makes sense that we use github to manage our documentation.

If you want to see something changed in the documentation or have an example to add then just fork the docs, send us a pull request and we'll be super grateful!

The documentation and some examples of how you can receive email in your web framework can be viewed online at http://docs.cloudmailin.com

Thanks, The CloudMailin team.



docker-compose build

Running in Development Mode

docker-compose up docs

You can then head to: http://localhost:8000/


docker-compose run docs bash -c "bundle exec nanoc check"


docker-compose run docs bash -c "rm -rf ./output && bundle exec nanoc compile -e staging && FOG_RC=.fog bundle exec nanoc deploy --target staging"

Generating Rouge CSS Files

rougify style --scope='pre code' igorpro > ./content/assets/stylesheets/syntax.css