
Backend application for Options Cafe

Primary LanguageGo

App Support

This app is no longer in production. Open sourced the code should anyone want to poke at the code.

App: app.options.cafe

This is the options trading application we offer to customers. Angular2 front-end, Golang backend, Electron desktop application.

Deploying With Ansible (and other actions by hand)

We assume the server is already setup for us. At Cloudmanic we have a different git repo for setting up docker servers.

Deploying Servers

  • When deploying a server with Digital Ocean copy the following into the User-Data filed. It will run Cloud Init when the VPS boots up.
  - name: spicer
    groups: sudo
    shell: /bin/bash
    sudo: ['ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL']
      - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAsw21gLc2CaJN8hJB7zWDYWLF5gqWl6t8ozgso8aOrq8rz7P8ji3MwvHEelEe6UMNg4CxWTGYIWvFptlfCRvy9d94RBy9AAdb4pEBmSOyxPf8sJ+xD+V3TFJfmMOAm4049cBLN9b7+PRkUjl4jC3zTch5tQ+5lG7v04tWwzCaSCSD2HNuw2qKK3FpaLA6EIw+ieueBkgNgRnwMvgVO8nmyOkR5b3WUoL4vow3heNHV00V4M0yhBHLHDIFkXMgMztpLm3Dki1ZplUF0EyPH5llj5a4n2RMR5c7B1wAiXuUPO0oQTw9ItS5SZl9zKu9ZuIvqeXWsz/0NqRdEMIKqvxIZQ== spicer@cloudmanic.com
  - python
  • Once a fresh server is up and running configure it with ansible-playbook server.yml

Getting Up And Running

  • Run go run main.go -cmd=symbol-import to import all the possible symbols into the symbols db table.

Process To Add A New Options Strategy

  • Add a new trade type in backend/library/archive/trade_types

  • Add the new trade type in backend/library/archive/trade_group_classify.go both functions: ClassifyTradeGroup, and GetAmountRiskedInTrade

  • Update the ENUM values in TradeGroup:type. Typically I will update the model code, then update the ENUM locally, in testing DB, and then on production by hand.

  • Add option in frontend/src/app/trading/trades/home.component.html

  • Add new file for strategy at backend/screener

  • Update switch statement in backend/screener/base.go::PrimeAllScreenerCaches

  • Add option to screener frontend/src/app/trading/screener/add-edit/add-edit.component.html

  • Update backend/controllers/screeners.go to include any new screener keys. The var at the top screenerItemKeys.

  • Update the screener type in ScreenFuncs in backend/screener/base.go in init()

  • Add new tradegroup to frontend/src/app/models/trade-group.ts in TradeGroupsCont