
Play with the EBC430 ECU for Lotus

Primary LanguageC++


What can you do with it ?

The software part is a pretty minimum implementation of the KWP2000 via K-LINE as used by the EBC430 EBC. The supported Service IDs are:

Function Usage
StartCommunication start a KWP2000 session
ReadECUIdentification ECU details, nothing new here - same as listed in the Lotus Service Manual
ReadDataByLocalId battery voltage, wheel speeds (not implemented, because my car is not moving atm)
ReadDiagnosticTroubleCodeByStatus read DTC codes and status reasons
ClearDiagnosticInformationService clear and DTCs
InputOutputControlByLocalId control the valves, pump, relay

So with that you can establish communication with the ECU, get software/hardware versions, battery voltage (wheels speeds later on), read and clear DTCs, and most importantly control the valves, pump and valve relay to aid with bleeding.

How can i use it ?

You need to solder up the little ESP8266 based adapter (or put it on breadboard if you are adventurous. A proven PCB design and circuit is included in the ./pcb folder. It was made with KiCAD (www.kicad.org)

Whats the difference to existing KLINE/OBD Tools ?

Not much - i didnt have one, so i had to roll my own - the most notible difference is that the KLINE line has to be on PIN #12 of the OBD connector (usualy it would be Pin #7) And you wont have a GUI to control stuff.


The project is based on PLATFORM.IO - download VS Code and install platform IO (https://platformio.org/)


see KiCAD

As usual that tool comes with no warranty, it might blow up your airbags (same KLINE) or set your car on fire. Good luck ;-)