
Utilities for integrating Vert.x IO with Java IO

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


A set of utilities for integrating Vert.x IO with Java IO.


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Connect Vert.x Byte Buffer Streams to Java Input/Output Streams

You need to read from a Vert.x IO stream and write into a Java OutputStream, or read from a Java InputStream and write into a Vert.x IO stream, when these utility classes are what you need:

  • OutputToReadStream is an implementation of a Java OutputStream and a Vert.x ReadStream<Buffer> - data written to the OutputStream API can be received from the ReadStream<Buffer> API.

  • WriteToInputStream is an implementation of a Java InputStream and a Vert.x WriteStream<Buffer> - anything written to the WriteStream<Buffer> API can be read from the InputStream API.

In all cases, both Java's blocking semantics are observed (using the thread in which the blocking Java stream operation is executed) as well as Vert.x non-blocking API (using Context.runOnContext() to execute Vert.x callbacks).

Using these classes and Vert.x and Java IO utility methods, it is also trivial to convert a Java InputStream to a Vert.x ReadStream<Buffer> or Java OutputStream to a Vert.x WriteStream<Buffer> and vice-versa. A minimal implementation is available as OutputToReadStream.wrap(InputStream) and WriteInputStream.wrap(OutputStream) - see the unit tests for usage examples and the source code as an example that you can customize for your needs.