
Turns a number to fixed string with a metric or abbreviation suffix

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


By Moti Shriki


NumberSuffix is a package for ceiling numbers with a suffix for its zeros. Example:

  • 1,234 -> 1k
  • 1,234,567 -> 1M


  • Precision
  • Fixed measurement
  • Adding more formatting styles, already supports:
    • Metric (default)
    • Abbreviation
  • Support for the following units:
    1. thousand
    2. million
    3. billion
    4. trillion
    5. quadrillion
    6. quintillion

Why not using number-abbreviate, numbr or numeraljs?

Mainly because of the libraries usage. I needed something very generic to work with for a project I'm currenly working on. The other libraries had either a specific usage (which works well on the wide internet) or a missing feature that I was needed. number-abbreviate was the closest thing I found that meets my expectation - but lacked one feature I needed: a fixed measurement for numbers.

Also, this library uses mainly mathematic function for calculations compared to other libraries that uses strings instead, leading to slower performance.


Just npm-install it:

npm i number-suffix --save


Basic usage:

NumberSuffix.format(1234) // 1k
NumberSuffix.format(1234567) // 1M
NumberSuffix.format(1e9) // 1G
NumberSuffix.format(1e12) // 1T


NumberSuffix.format(1234, {precision: 2}) // 1.23k
NumberSuffix.format(1234567, {precision: 2}) // 1.23M

Fixed measurement: Supports: 'thousand', 'million', 'billion', 'trillion', 'quadrillion' and 'quintillion'.

NumberSuffix.format(1234567, {measurement: 'thousand'}) // 1234k
NumberSuffix.format(1234, {precision: 3, measurement: 'million'}) // 0.001M


NumberSuffix.format(1e3, {style: 'abbreviation'}) // 1K
NumberSuffix.format(1e9, {style: 'abbreviation'}) // 1B

And adding and using a new style:

NumberSuffix.addStyle('yourStyleName', ['Thousand', 'Million', 'Billion', 'Trillion'])
NumberSuffix.format(1e6, {style: 'yourStyleName'}) // 1Million

If there are null values it will lean on the metric style as a fallback.


You can create an instance of NumberSuffix for more specific usage without using global settings.

const numberSuffix = new NumberSuffix({...})

You can use fixed options in addition to the ones you have:

const numberSuffix = new NumberSuffix({style: 'abbreviation'})
numberSuffix.format(1e3) // 1K
const numberSuffix = new NumberSuffix({precision: 2})
numberSuffix.format(1234) // 1.23k
const numberSuffix = new NumberSuffix({measurement: 'thousand'})
numberSuffix.format(1234567) // 1234k

And, of course, to override them for even more specific usage:

const numberSuffix = new NumberSuffix({measurement: 'thousand'})
numberSuffix.format(1234567, {measurement: 'million'}) // 1M

You can add your own style as well with

const numberSuffix = new NumberSuffix()
numberSuffix.addStyle('myStyle', ['T', 'M', 'B', 'T'])

To change the fixed options you can just:

const numberSuffix = new NumberSuffix()