
Deploy a single node Kubernetes on aws instance

Primary LanguageHCL

Minikube on AWS EC2 instance

This setup creates ec2 instance that is ready for a single node minikube installation. This can be very handy when checking something and you don't have much power on your laptop or don't want to spin up the whole cluster.

There's a Minishift version available too if you'd like to install single node OpenShift (OKD actually).


  • Initialize terraform
terraform init
  • Run create.yaml playbook (Ansible >= 2.5 required - terraform module is used)
ansible-playbook create.yaml
  • Log in to your minikube your ec2 instance - use kubeconfig.aws file that's been generated on the server (you can findhostname in terraform output) and copied to your host. Now set KUBECONFIG and enjoy your minikube!
export KUBECONFIG=kubeconfig.aws
kubectl cluster-info

Additional configuration

Adding extra parameters to terraform requires re-apply and potentially will destroy your instance. It is recommended to do it before creating your minikube instance.

Adding more space

Root device

Just add a variable to terraform, for example to increase it to 20Gi:

echo 'root_block_size = "20"' > root-dev-ebs.auto.tfvars

Cleaning up

Just run destroy.yaml playbook.