
CloudpilotEmu is a web-based emulator for PalmOS. It emulates dragonball based devices and supports PalmOS up to version 4.x. CloudpilotEmu is based on the original POSE emulator. Currrently, the following devices are supported:

  • Pilot, Palm Pilot
  • Palm III
  • Palm IIIxe, Palm IIIx, Palm IIIe
  • Palm IIIc
  • Palm Vx, Palm V
  • Palm VII, Palm VII EZ, Palm VIIx
  • Palm m500, Palm m505, Palm m515
  • Palm m520 (an unreleased prototype of a highres 5xx)
  • Palm m100, Palm m105, Palm m125, Palm m130
  • Palm i705
  • Tungsten W (silkscreen version)
  • Handera 330
  • Handera 330c (the lost color version of the 330c)
  • Sony PEG-S300, PEG-S320
  • Sony PEG-S500C series
  • Sony PEG-T400 series
  • Sony PEG-N600C series
  • Sony PEG-T600C series
  • Sony PEG-N700C series
  • Sony PEG-T650C series
  • Sony PEG-NR70 series
  • Acer S1x
  • Legend P168

CloudpilotEmu can be run as a web page or as a mobile app on phones and tables. The list of features includes

  • Realistic emulation of timers and device speed
  • Continuous state saves --- emulation resumes if the page or app is reloaded
  • Direct installation and export of .prc and .pdb files
  • Export and import snapshot files
  • Switching between multiple emulation sessions
  • Emulated SD cards and memory sticks
  • File browser for managing memory cards
  • Audio emulation
  • Keyboard input
  • Clipboard integration
  • Network support (including network hotsync) using a websocket proxy (documentation)

You can download supported ROMs on PalmDB.

Launch CloudpilotEmu!

CloudpilotEmu embedded

There is an embedded version of CloudpilotEmu that allows you to embed the emulator into your own web pages. Check out the documentation for more details.

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