
Helm chart for installing end-to-end Prometheus monitoring of Kubernetes clusters

Primary LanguageSmarty


Helm charts for installing end-to-end Prometheus monitoring of Kubernetes clusters using the prometheus-operator project from CoreOS.

As the upstream projects are very much in an alpha state, so is this one. Everything is subject to change.


This repository contains four interrelated charts:

  • prometheus-operator: installs the Prometheus Operator
  • prometheus: installs a Prometheus instance using the Prometheus Operator
  • alertmanager: installs an Alertmanager instance using the Prometheus Operator
  • kube-prometheus: installs end-to-end cluster monitoring (not ready for use)


  1. Add & update opsgoodness chart repository:
helm repo add opsgoodness http://charts.opsgoodness.com
helm repo update
  1. (Optionally) Create custom prometheus-operator values file

  2. Install prometheus-operator:

helm install opsgoodness/prometheus-operator [--namespace <namespace>] [-f prometheus-operator.yaml]
  1. (Optionally) Create custom alertmanager values

  2. Install alertmanager:

helm install opsgoodness/alertmanager [--namespace <namespace>] [-f alertmanager.yaml]
  1. (Optional) Create custom prometheus values

  2. Install prometheus:

helm install opsgoodness/prometheus [--namespace <namespace>] [-f prometheus.yaml]