This module creates an S3 bucket suitable for receiving logs from other AWS services such as S3, CloudFront, and CloudTrail
- academ1cUkraine
- andreyvital@fundamentei
- catdevmanTrek10
- chiefy@shutterfly
- cmdplusr
- darvid@atomweight
- dave-lynchDublin, Ireland
- davidskiCyentia Institute (@cyentia)
- denjiKyiv, UA
- dkozlov
- ebeahanElastic
- ellerbrockGiengen, Germany
- exequielrafaelaBinbashar Inc
- flmmartinsSalto CloudWorks
- hello-ish@getndazn
- hrzbrg@Schuettflix
- iamjoekerJemurai
- joaoferraoEurope
- johnowennixonDevOps Engineer @candide-com
- JSchulleratWork
- KlotzAndrewBolt
- kmcquadeNightVision Security
- luismaytaSRE at @infosisArg
- markorbida
- marwanhilmi@runreal
- NicolasMasSingapore
- rajcheval
- rastandy@CMCC-Foundation
- serdardalgic@EnterpriseDB
- shbodyaKharkiv
- slmingolSomewhere in the contintental US
- techieBrandonDallas
- thiagoalmeidasa0+x
- thomasdpageMilton Keynes
- thomshNew Zealand
- YoannMaPixul