
Helm chart for Cloudprober

Primary LanguageSmarty

Cloudprober Helm Chart

Cloudprober source:


Chart source:


To install:

helm repo add cloudprober https://helm.cloudprober.org/
helm repo update
helm install cloudprober cloudprober/cloudprober -n cloudprober --create-namespace

To add/update the Cloudprober config

You can either add config directly in the values.yaml, or you can provide config on the command line through the --set-file flag.

helm upgrade --install cloudprober cloudprober/cloudprober \
    --set-file config=~/monitoring/config/cloudprober.cfg -n cloudprober

To specify additional configs, for including in the main config file for example:

helm upgrade install cloudprober cloudprober/cloudprober -n cloudprober --set-file config=cloudprober.cfg \
  --set additionalConfigs[0].name=team1.cfg --set-file additionalConfigs[0].value=cloudprober.d/team1.cfg \
  --set additionalConfigs[1].name=team2.cfg --set-file additionalConfigs[1].value=cloudprober.d/team2.cfg