
Joplin mate

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

;; This buffer is for text that is not saved, and for Lisp evaluation.
;; To create a file, visit it with C-c f and enter text in its buffer.

(require 'plz)

(require 'request)

 (setq url-proxy-services
       '(("no_proxy" . "^\\(localhost\\|172.*\\)")
         ("http" . "")
         ("https" . "")))

(plz 'get "http://www.baidu.com")

(getenv "PATH")

(setq exec-path

;; 第一步,通过ping来测试joplin服务是否正常工作
(request "http://localhost:41184/ping"
  :parser (lambda () (buffer-string))
  :error (cl-function
	  (lambda (&rest args &key error-thrown &allow-other-keys)
	    (message "%s" error-thrown)))
  :success (cl-function
	    (lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
	      (message "%s" data))))

(request "http://localhost:41184/auth/check?token=null"
  :parser (lambda () (buffer-string))
  :error (cl-function
	  (lambda (&rest args &key error-thrown &allow-other-keys)
	    (message "%s" error-thrown)))
  :success (cl-function
	    (lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
	      (message "%s" data))))

;; ((auth_token . qDtO6ECC9e28G4bd9YImF9))

(request "http://localhost:41184/auth"
  :type "POST"
  :parser 'json-read
  :error (cl-function
	  (lambda (&rest args &key error-thrown &allow-other-keys)
	    (message "%s" error-thrown)))
  :success (cl-function
	    (lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
	      (message "%s" data))))

(request "http://localhost:41184/auth/check?auth_token=qDtO6ECC9e28G4bd9YImF9"
  :parser 'json-read
  :error (cl-function
	  (lambda (&rest args &key error-thrown &allow-other-keys)
	    (message "%s" error-thrown)))
  :success (cl-function
	    (lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
	      (message "%s" data))))

;; 获取认证结果 accepted 并且提供了一个api的token,用于后续操作

((status . accepted) (token . 875b6ebd8912030827d1aa5eb2111be7a02f6c6ee3b02cbdb7daa4639d4a9e94f45ee1fcab138c1c4c49474de3c6adbe884b07e795b85d86a72318121b802eee))

(buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))

  (setq my '())
  (push  (cons 'body_html (concat "<div>"  "</div>")) my)
  (push '(title . "test-joplin") my)
  (push '(base_url . "http://localhost") my)
  (push '(parent_id . nil) my)
  (push '(tags . "") my)
  (push '(image_sizes . nil) my)
  (push '(anchor_names . []) my)
  (push '(name . "simplifiedpagehtml") my)
  (push '(convert_to . "markdown") my)
  ;; (json-serialize my)

  (let* ((host "localhost") (port "41184")
	 (token "875b6ebd8912030827d1aa5eb2111be7a02f6c6ee3b02cbdb7daa4639d4a9e94f45ee1fcab138c1c4c49474de3c6adbe884b07e795b85d86a72318121b802eee")
	 (note (json-serialize my)))

    (let ((req
	   (concat "http://" host ":" port "/notes?token=" token)

      (message "%s" req)

      (request req
	:type "POST"
	:parser 'json-read
	:data note
	:error (cl-function
		(lambda (&rest args &key error-thrown &allow-other-keys)
		  (message "%s" error-thrown)))
	:success (cl-function
		  (lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
		    (message "%s" data)))))))

  (setq my '())
  (push '(title . "test-joplin-markdown") my)
  (push '(body . "Some text in **MarkDown**") my)
  ;; (json-serialize my)

  (let* ((host "localhost") (port "41184")
	 (token "875b6ebd8912030827d1aa5eb2111be7a02f6c6ee3b02cbdb7daa4639d4a9e94f45ee1fcab138c1c4c49474de3c6adbe884b07e795b85d86a72318121b802eee")
	 (note (json-serialize my)))

    (let ((req
	   (concat "http://" host ":" port "/notes?token=" token)

      (message "%s" req)

      (request req
	:type "POST"
	:parser 'json-read
	:data note
	:error (cl-function
		(lambda (&rest args &key error-thrown &allow-other-keys)
		  (message "%s" error-thrown)))
	:success (cl-function
		  (lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
		    (message "%s" data)))))))

  (setq my '())
  (push '(title . "test-joplin-html") my)
  (push '(body_html . "<b> This is HTML </b>") my)
  ;; (json-serialize my)

  (let* ((host "localhost") (port "41184")
	 (token "875b6ebd8912030827d1aa5eb2111be7a02f6c6ee3b02cbdb7daa4639d4a9e94f45ee1fcab138c1c4c49474de3c6adbe884b07e795b85d86a72318121b802eee")
	 (note (json-serialize my)))

    (let ((req
	   (concat "http://" host ":" port "/notes?token=" token)

      (message "%s" req)

      (request req
	:type "POST"
	:parser 'json-read
	:data note
	:error (cl-function
		(lambda (&rest args &key error-thrown &allow-other-keys)
		  (message "%s" error-thrown)))
	:success (cl-function
		  (lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
		    (message "%s" data)))))))

(id . a982a93526424f97a4b67a827353702a)

(push  (cons 'body_html (concat "<div>"  "</div>")) my)

(add-to-list 'load-path "d:\\workdir\\Github\\JoplinMate")

(require 'joplin-mate)


(defun add-to-joplin ()
  "add new notes to joplin"

  (let ((title (car (org-roam--extract-titles-title))))
    (message "%s" title)

    (with-current-buffer (org-md-export-as-markdown)
      (setq data (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))
	(setq my '())
	(push (cons 'title title) my)
	(push (cons 'body data) my)

	(let* ((host "localhost") (port "41184")
	       (token "875b6ebd8912030827d1aa5eb2111be7a02f6c6ee3b02cbdb7daa4639d4a9e94f45ee1fcab138c1c4c49474de3c6adbe884b07e795b85d86a72318121b802eee")
	       (note (json-serialize my)))

	  (let ((req
		 (concat "http://" host ":" port "/notes?token=" token)))

	    (message "%s" req)

	    (request req
	      :type "POST"
	      :parser 'json-read
	      :data note
	      :error (cl-function
		      (lambda (&rest args &key error-thrown &allow-other-keys)
			(message "%s" error-thrown)))
	      :success (cl-function
			(lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
			  (message "%s" data)
			  (message "%s" (cdr (assoc 'id data)))))))))

(defun add-to-joplin2 ()
  "add new notes to joplin"
  (interactive )

  (let ((title  (cdr (org-roam--extract-titles-title)) ))
    (message "%s" title)))


(defun local/org-get-global-properties ()
    "Get all the global proprties in buffer"
    (org-element-map (org-element-parse-buffer) 'keyword
      (lambda (el) (and
                    (string= (org-element-property :key el) "PROPERTY")
                    (let* ((strings (split-string (org-element-property :value el)))
                           (value (string-join (cdr strings) " "))
                           (name (car strings)))
                      (cons name value))))))

(defun find-header2 ()
  (interactive )
      (cdr (assoc "JOPLIN_ID" (local/org-get-global-properties))))

(defun find-header ()
  (interactive )


      (let ((parsetree (org-element-parse-buffer 'keyword)))
	(org-element-map (org-element-parse-buffer) 'keyword
	  (lambda (h1)
	(message "%s"    (org-element-property :value h1)))))))

(defun sync-to-joplin ()
  "sync not to joplin"
  (interactive "P")

  (let ((org-exprot-with-toc nil)
	(title (org-roam--extract-titles-title)))
    (with-current-buffer (org-md-export-as-markdown)
      (setq data (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))
	(setq my '())
	(push (cons 'title title) my)
	(push (cons 'body data) my)
	;; (push '(body . data) my)
	;; (json-serialize my)

	;; (message "%s" (json-serialize my))

	(let* ((host "localhost") (port "41184")
	       (token "875b6ebd8912030827d1aa5eb2111be7a02f6c6ee3b02cbdb7daa4639d4a9e94f45ee1fcab138c1c4c49474de3c6adbe884b07e795b85d86a72318121b802eee")
	       (note (json-serialize my)))

	  (let ((req
		 (concat "http://" host ":" port "/notes/a982a93526424f97a4b67a827353702a?token=" token)

	    (message "%s" req)

	    (request req
	      :type "PUT"
	      :parser 'json-read
	      :data note
	      :error (cl-function
		      (lambda (&rest args &key error-thrown &allow-other-keys)
			(message "%s" error-thrown)))
	      :success (cl-function
			(lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
			  (message "%s" data)))))))


(defun sync-to-joplin3 () 
  "sync not to joplin"

  (let (
	(title (car (org-roam--extract-titles-title))))
    (message "%s" title)
    (with-current-buffer (org-md-export-as-markdown)
      (setq data (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))
      (message "%s" title)

(car (list 'a))

(setq your-variable  (buffer-substring (region-beginning) (region-end)))

(defun org-to-clipboard-as-markdown ()
  (let ((org-export-with-toc nil))
    (with-current-buffer (org-md-export-as-markdown)
      (clipboard-kill-region (point-min) (point-max))

;; 测试通过ID修改原始的文本内容
  (setq my '())
  (push '(title . "test-joplin-html") my)
  (push '(body . "This is **HTML** 中文内容呢 -24") my)
  ;; (json-serialize my)

  (let* ((host "localhost") (port "41184")
	 (token "875b6ebd8912030827d1aa5eb2111be7a02f6c6ee3b02cbdb7daa4639d4a9e94f45ee1fcab138c1c4c49474de3c6adbe884b07e795b85d86a72318121b802eee")
	 (note (json-serialize my)))

    (let ((req
	   (concat "http://" host ":" port "/notes/a982a93526424f97a4b67a827353702a?token=" token)

      (message "%s" req)

      (request req
	:type "PUT"
	:parser 'json-read
	:data note
	:error (cl-function
		(lambda (&rest args &key error-thrown &allow-other-keys)
		  (message "%s" error-thrown)))
	:success (cl-function
		  (lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
		    (message "%s" data)))))))