
A Powercord plugin. Update other plugins that have been cloned from git.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Plugin Updater

How do I use it?

  1. Click "Update plugins"
  2. Click "Reload to apply updates"

How does it work?

It goes into the plugin folder and runs git pull --ff-only inside each folder.

What do all the symbols mean?

Before clicking update

icon meaning
tick the plugin was cloned from git and can be updated
cross the plugin was not cloned from git and cannot be updated

After clicking update

icon meaning
cross the plugin was not cloned from git and an update was not attempted
updating the plugin is currently being updated
tick the plugin was already the latest version
updated the plugin was updated to the latest version successfully
failed there was a problem while trying to update, and you should resolve the situation manually
unknown something unexpected happened, and you should investgate the situation manually, and open an issue about it


This plugin is licensed under the AGPL v3.0.

The symbols hosted on cadence.moe were created by me, and are also licensed under the AGPL v3.0. You can use the symbols without credit in any project with a compatible license. If you do not publish your project, you can use the symbols without restriction.