
An advanced NGINX WAF module for robust web security

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


ngx-waf-protect is a custom NGINX module that provides advanced web application firewall (WAF) protection. It integrates with NGINX to detect and mitigate various web-based attacks, including SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Remote Command Execution (RCE), and more. This module can be built as part of a custom NGINX build or as a dynamic module.


This module is production-ready.


http {
    server {
        listen 80;
        server_name localhost;

        location / {

            enable_protocol_attack on;
            enable_general_rules off;
            enable_sql_injection off;
            enable_xss off;
            enable_rce_php_node off;
            enable_session_rules off;

        error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
        location = /50x.html {
            root html;


ngx-waf-protect provides an advanced set of rules and capabilities to protect web applications from various attacks:

  • SQL Injection Protection: Detects and blocks SQL injection attacks.
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Protection: Prevents malicious scripts from being executed.
  • Protocol Attack Protection: Mitigates attacks that exploit vulnerabilities in protocols.
  • Remote Command Execution (RCE) Protection: Detects and blocks RCE attempts.
  • Session Rules Enforcement: Ensures secure session management.
  • General Security Rules: Provides a baseline of security measures to protect against common threats.



  • Syntax: enable_protocol_attack on | off;
  • Default: off
  • Context: http, server, location
  • Description: Enables or disables protocol attack protection.


  • Syntax: enable_sql_injection on | off;
  • Default: off
  • Context: http, server, location
  • Description: Enables or disables SQL injection protection.


  • Syntax: enable_xss on | off;
  • Default: off
  • Context: http, server, location
  • Description: Enables or disables Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) protection.


  • Syntax: enable_rce_php_node on | off;
  • Default: off
  • Context: http, server, location
  • Description: Enables or disables Remote Command Execution (RCE) protection for PHP and Node.js environments.


  • Syntax: enable_session_rules on | off;
  • Default: off
  • Context: http, server, location
  • Description: Enables or disables session management rules.


  • Syntax: enable_general_rules on | off;
  • Default: on
  • Context: http, server, location
  • Description: Enables or disables general security rules.

Rule Groups and Supported Rules

1. General Rules

  • 920100 - Invalid HTTP Request Line: Protects against malformed HTTP request lines.
  • 920300 - Request Missing a Host Header: Ensures requests include a valid Host header to prevent protocol attacks.
  • 920310 - Request with Invalid Host Header: Validates the Host header against allowed domain patterns.
  • 921110 - HTTP Protocol Anomaly: Request with Content-Length Header and Chunked Transfer-Encoding: Detects conflicting HTTP headers that could indicate an attack.
  • 920420 - Request Contains Multiple Content-Length Headers: Prevents requests with multiple conflicting Content-Length headers.

2. SQL Injection Rules

  • 942100 - SQL Injection Attack Detected via LibInjection: Uses libInjection to detect SQL injection patterns.
  • 942110 - SQL Injection Attempt Detected: Identifies attempts to execute SQL commands.
  • 942190 - SQL Injection Attack Identified by Conditional Statements: Looks for SQL injection patterns using conditional statements like 'IF', 'CASE', etc.
  • 942200 - SQL Injection Bypass Using Comments: Prevents SQL injection attempts using SQL comments for bypass techniques.

3. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Rules

  • 941100 - XSS Attack Detected via LibInjection: Uses libInjection to identify common XSS attack patterns.
  • 941130 - XSS Attack via HTML Tags: Identifies malicious use of HTML tags for scripting attacks.
  • 941180 - XSS Attack Detected Using JavaScript URIs: Blocks malicious use of JavaScript URIs in links or other attributes.
  • 941160 - XSS Detected by Event Handlers: Detects malicious scripts embedded in HTML event handlers.

4. Remote Command Execution (RCE) and File Inclusion

  • 932100 - Remote Command Execution: Unix Commands: Detects attempts to execute shell commands via Unix systems.
  • 932110 - Remote Command Execution: Windows Commands: Identifies attempts to execute Windows-specific commands.
  • 931100 - Local File Inclusion Attempt: Blocks attempts to include local files on the server, a common method for accessing sensitive information.
  • 931120 - Remote File Inclusion Attempt: Detects attempts to include remote files, which can lead to unauthorized code execution.

5. Protocol Attack Rules

  • 921130 - Request Contains Content-Length but Not Allowed Method: Ensures only valid HTTP methods can carry a Content-Length header.
  • 921150 - Invalid HTTP Version Number: Blocks requests using invalid or unsupported HTTP versions.
  • 921180 - Invalid Request Line Format: Detects malformed request lines that can be used to exploit servers.

6. Path Traversal and File Access Control

  • 930100 - Path Traversal Attempt Detected: Identifies attempts to navigate directories improperly to access restricted files.
  • 930110 - File Access Attempt to Restricted Files: Prevents unauthorized access to critical system or application files.

7. Malicious User-Agent Patterns

  • 913100 - Malicious User-Agent Detected: Identifies known malicious or suspicious user-agent patterns.
  • 913110 - User-Agent Indicates Automation Tool: Blocks requests from known automation tools or bots that are often used in attacks.

8. URL Encoding Abuse

  • 920430 - Multiple URL Encoding Detected: Detects requests with multiple levels of URL encoding, often used to bypass input validation.
  • 920440 - URL Encoding Abuse Detected: Identifies improper use of encoding to conceal malicious requests.


Building as a Static Module

To build ngx-waf-protect as part of a custom NGINX build:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/cloudrhinoltd/ngx-waf-protect.git
    cd ngx-waf-protect
  2. Download and extract the NGINX source code:

    wget 'http://nginx.org/download/nginx-1.27.1.tar.gz'
    tar -xzvf nginx-1.27.1.tar.gz
    cd nginx-1.27.1
  3. Configure and build NGINX with the ngx-waf-protect module:

    ./configure --prefix=/opt/nginx                --with-http_ssl_module                --add-module=/path/to/ngx-waf-protect
    make -j$(nproc)
    make install

Building as a Dynamic Module

Starting with NGINX 1.9.11, ngx-waf-protect can also be built as a dynamic module:

  1. Follow steps 1 and 2 above.

  2. Configure NGINX with --add-dynamic-module:

    ./configure --prefix=/opt/nginx                --with-http_ssl_module                --add-dynamic-module=/path/to/ngx-waf-protect
    make -j$(nproc)
    make install
  3. Load the module in nginx.conf:

    load_module /path/to/modules/ngx_waf_protect.so;


To build ngx-waf-protect, you need the following:

  • C++ Compiler: Ensure that gcc or clang is installed.
  • NGINX Source Code: Download from nginx.org.
  • Build Tools: make, autoconf, and libtool.
  • OpenSSL: Required for SSL support in NGINX.
  • PCRE: Required for regex support in NGINX.


To build ngx-waf-protect, use the provided build script:


This script will download and compile all necessary dependencies and build the custom NGINX with the ngx-waf-protect module integrated.


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. Note that the ngx-waf-protect module contains specific directives that are dual-licensed:

  • Apache License 2.0: Applies to the following directives:
    • enable_protocol_attack
    • enable_general_rules
  • Enterprise License: Required for the following directives:
    • enable_sql_injection
    • enable_xss
    • enable_rce_php_node
    • enable_session_rules

For more information on obtaining an enterprise license, please contact Cloud Rhino Pty Ltd.

Source Repository

Available on GitHub at cloudrhinoltd/ngx-waf-protect.


Cloud Rhino Pty Ltd

See Also