This repository contains several simple examples for Brooklyn. These are:
- Starting a Tomcat Server: How to start and manage a Tomcat Server with Brooklyn
- Starting a Tomcat Cluster: How to start and manage a Tomcat Cluster with Brooklyn
- Starting a Tomcat Cluster with NGINX: How to start and manage a Tomcat Cluster alongside an NGINX instance whereby each Tomcat Server in the cluster is registered with the NGINX instance
- Starting a Multi-Location Tomcat Fabric: How to start and manage a Tomcat Fabric with Brooklyn
- Starting in AWS-EC2: Code demonstrating how to start a Tomcat Server in EU-West
Building the examples
Clone the repository and build the examples:
git clone
cd brooklyn-examples
mvn clean install
git clone
cd brooklyn-examples
mvn clean install
This will pull in required dependencies and build the examples for use.
Just add the ‘-with-dependencies’ jar to your classpath to run an example, once modified with your credentials, e.g.::
java -cp target/brooklyn-examples-*-with-dependencies.jar brooklyn.example.TomcatClusterApp