
Build Status


This package provides support for Apache Brooklyn to understand OASIS TOSCA plans, using Alien4Cloud.

This builds a plugin JAR that installs in to Apache Brooklyn. This also builds a graphical TOSCA client that connects to Apache Brooklyn.

Build Notes

You'll need the right version of Alien4Cloud installed to your maven repository; check the POM and the A4C web site above for more information. (Note further that to build A4C you may also need the custom Elastic Search distribution; and there may be unmerged pull requests to A4C itself, compare with the version at ahgittin/alien4cloud misc branch.)

Then simply:

mvn clean install


Once the project is built:

  • To install TOSCA backend support into Apache Brooklyn, see the instructions in the karaf/init project that builds a plugin to Apache Brooklyn.

  • To build and run a graphical TOSCA client, unpack the brooklyn-tosca-dist archive (in the tar.gz in that project's target/), and consult the there. You can also find that file here. Note this requires a different configuration for the plugin installed to Apache Brooklyn.



  • add catalog items from TOSCA specs, one by one or by import

  • reference TOSCA items from CAMP spec (should follow from above, but needs a demo)

  • use pre-existing ES server / allow use of A4C to create into the ES

Long-term Brooklyn Items

  • OtherEntityMachineLocation

  • Brooklyn support uploading ZIPs, and references in them

Long-term TOSCA Support

  • Brooklyn find implementation artifacts as artifacts declared in CSAR

  • Icons and Tags

  • Publish sensors as attributes

  • Support inputs, and get_input and get_attribute syntax

  • Deal with reqs/relationships properly (not the host cheat)

  • Support policies from TOSCA

  • Load plan transformers via OSGi

Alien Issues

  • derived_from not working (without abstract), issue #67
  • metadata tag not recognized
  • would be nice to be able to set and retrieve anonymous properties
  • next rev of TOSCA spec