
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Spanner Load Test App

This repository contains sample game API code, load test sample code and arroud middleware for distributed load testing:

  • Game API server
  • Locust load test code
  • Setup make file via terraform and gcloud


Highly recommend: you to use it on Cloud Shell, because of easing to prepare settings for this demo

Cloud Environment

We expected to set organization policy default

Of course, you can deploy user account, but we recommend you to use Service Account.

# Example to create account and keyfile
export SA_NAME=terraformer

gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID

# Create Service Account
gcloud iam service-accounts create $SA_NAME \
  --description="Operation service account for spanner stress demo" \
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
    --member="serviceAccount:${SA_NAME}@${PROJECT_ID}.iam.gserviceaccount.com" \
# Download a key file
# Set JSON as a key file type 
export KEY_FILE=terraformer.json
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create $KEY_FILE \

Deploy Tools

Cloud Shell has already installed followings:

Development Tools

If you need to develop this repository, you should install followings:

How to use this demo

Setup env settings

You should set own environment by followings:

git clone https://github.com/cloudspannerecosystem/spanner-stress-test-demospanner-stress-test-demo.git
cd spanner-stress-test-demo

# You should change .env_sample to .env for gcloud environment
# and edit .env file
cp .env_sample .env
vim .env

Spesifications of .env file

Key name Description Example value
GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT Google Cloud Project ID test
ACCOUNTS Account list for access to bastion ["serviceAccount:terraformer1@test.iam.gserviceaccount.com", "serviceAccount:terraformer2@test.iam.gserviceaccount.com"]
KEY_PATH Credential key file path ~/workspace/terraformer.json
REGION Google Cloud Region you hope asia-northeast1
SERVICE_NAME Cloud Run's service name sample-game
INSTANCE_NAME Cloud Spanner's instance name spanner-demo
DATABASE_NAME Cloud Spanner's database name for testing sample-game
ENV Env id, but we expected to use "production" when you deploy on Google Cloud. production
LOG_LEVEL Loglevel of app and Locust INFO
POD_NUM The number of Pod for load test containers 10
USERS Peak number of concurrent Locust users 10
RUN_TIME Stop after the specified amount of time 1h

Deploy on Google Cloud

# Create environment via terraform and gcloud
make create.cloud.environment

# Run load testing
make deploy.locust

Watch the result

You can check the result in real time by followings:

How to connect to grafana dashboard

# SSH port-forwording to grafana
make open.grafana
  Grafana dashboard: https://3443-xxxxyyyzzzz

# Cloud Shell envronment(You can access via proxy)
open https://3443-xxxxyyyzzzz

# Other environment
open http://localhost:3443

Change Cloud Spanner cluster size

Note: If your spanner mark high CPU usage, you should change Cloud Spanner size manually

Delete all components after tests

make delete.cloud.environment



  • Rest API for dummy game
  • API docs of Swagger by FastAPI
  • Distributed Stressor by Locust
  • IaC by terraform and gcloud



Internal modules reference

# Terraform document was generated by the following command
terraform-docs markdown table terraform/ > terraform/README.md

3rd party reference


Note: Understand how to check your PR before you send PR

Some of tips in CI testing

CI by github actions covered unit-testing in apps and integration test in this repo, and so basically you should check the result of test, but there are some caustions as followings:

  • CI check just linting and validation to .tf files, and so please run terraform by own environment when you chenge .tf files
  • This Integration test is not perfect, and so you should check following points by manually
    • A fails ratio about GET characters/$user_id under 30%, because test senario cause 4XX error, and so it was not 0% of fail ratio
    • Fails ratios in other endpoint are 0%


This is Apache 2.0 License


This is not an officially supported Google product