This repo hosts the source code for the baseline models described in WebQA: Multihop and Multimodal QA.
All models were initialized from the released VLP checkpoints.
We release checkpoints fine-tuned on WebQA here.
Update (8 Apr, 2022):
We are releasing all image features (stored in pickle files) pre-extracted by x101fpn! Given the sheer size (500GB) and the bandwidth limits of google drive, we have setup this request form to grant access to individual users instead of making the files publicly accessible. Upon approval, you will get a link that expires in 90 days. To request for extension, please submit the form again or contact the authors. Thanks!
contains all pickles for reproducing results only on the dev set. (This small set of pickles can also be downloaded from here)
contains extra pickles for the test set which are NOT included in /dev.
contains extra pickles for the train set which are NOT included in the two folders above.
This file structure is to facilitate the most common demands for replicating results on the dev set and less common demands for replicating training. However, if you want to redo training with the released image features, you need to download all three directories (/dev, /test, /train).
The pickle files are stored by chunks of size 1000. The file structure should be the following:
│── dev
│ ├── 0
│ │ ├── 40000000.pkl
│ │ ├── ...
│ │ └── 40000999.pkl
│ │── 1
│ │ ├── 40001000.pkl
│ │ ├── ...
│ │ └── 40001999.pkl
│ ├── ...
│ └──64 ...
├── test
│ ├── 64 ...
│ ├── 65 ...
│ ├── ...
│ └── 140 ...
└── train
├── 140 ...
├── 141 ...
├── ...
└── 389 ...
Codes (
) have been updated to correctly load features from this file structure.
is the directory path you should provide to the --feature_folder
Also note that the pickle files are named by a new set of image ids (starting with 40,000,000). This is only for the ease of sorting pickle files by the order of dev/test/train. Image ids in the released dataset.json
start with 30,000,000. Please use this map for image id conversion.
Update (6 Oct, 2021):
In our baseline code, we separate the data loading of image- and text-based queries for the sake of performance breakdown. Thus, the two arguments, txt_dataset_json_path
and img_dataset_json_path
, correspond to the two folds, according to the Qcate
Update (29 Sep, 2021):
(Forget about this if you are following the feature file structures in the Mar28 release) We clarify here what are arguments --gold_feature_folder
, --distractor_feature_folder
, and --x_distractor_feature_folder
. Basically, during implementation we divide the images into 3 buckets: positive images for image-based queries (gold
), negative images for image-based queries (distractors
) and negative images for text-based queries (x_distractors
), where the 'x' stands for 'cross-modality'. Image- and text-based queries can be disinguished via the "Qcate" field in the dataset file. Text-based queries all have Qcate == 'text'
, while the rest are image-based ones.
cd VLP
conda env create -f misc/vlp.yml --prefix /home/<username>/miniconda3/envs/vlp
conda activate vlp
Clone repo
cd apex
git reset --hard 1603407bf49c7fc3da74fceb6a6c7b47fece2ef8
python install --cuda_ext --cpp_ext
pip install datasets==1.7.0
pip install opencv-python==
- X101fpn
The detectron2-based feature extraction code is available under this repo. Part of the code is based on LuoweiZhou/detectron-vlp and facebookresearch/detectron2
- VinVL
Please refer to pzzhang/VinVL and microsoft/scene_graph_benchmark
cd vlp
Retrieval training
python --new_segment_ids --train_batch_size 128 --split train --answer_provided_by 'img|txt' --task_to_learn 'filter' --num_workers 4 --max_pred 10 --mask_prob 1.0 --learning_rate 3e-5 --gradient_accumulation_steps 128 --save_loss_curve --output_dir light_output/filter_debug --ckpts_dir /data/yingshac/MMMHQA/ckpts/filter_debug --use_x_distractors --do_train --num_train_epochs 6
Retrieval inference
python --new_segment_ids --train_batch_size 16 --split val --answer_provided_by 'img|txt' --task_to_learn 'filter' --num_workers 4 --max_pred 10 --mask_prob 1.0 --learning_rate 3e-5 --gradient_accumulation_steps 8 --save_loss_curve --output_dir light_output/filter_debug --ckpts_dir /data/yingshac/MMMHQA/ckpts/filter_debug --recover_step 3 --use_x_distractors
QA training
python --new_segment_ids --do_train --train_batch_size 128 --split train --answer_provided_by 'img|txt' --task_to_learn 'qa' --num_workers 4 --max_pred 50 --mask_prob 0.5 --learning_rate 1e-4 --gradient_accumulation_steps 64 --save_loss_curve --num_train_epochs 16 --output_dir light_output/qa_debug --ckpts_dir /data/yingshac/MMMHQA/ckpts/qa_debug
QA decode
python --new_segment_ids --batch_size 32 --answer_provided_by "img|txt" --beam_size 5 --split "test" --num_workers 4 --output_dir light_output/qa_debug --ckpts_dir /data/yingshac/MMMHQA/ckpts/qa_debug --no_eval --recover_step 11
With VinVL features, run
Please acknowledge the following paper if you use the code:
title ={{WebQA: Multihop and Multimodal QA}},
author={Yinghsan Chang and Mridu Narang and
Hisami Suzuki and Guihong Cao and
Jianfeng Gao and Yonatan Bisk},
journal = {ArXiv},
year = {2021},
url = {}
- VinVL Visual Representations:
- Scene Graph Benchmark:
- Detectron2:
Our code is mainly based on Zhou et al.'s VLP repo. We thank the authors for their valuable work.
- Release x101fpn image features for the replicating results on dev set ✅
- Release additional x101fpn image features for replicating results on test and train set ✅
- Provide detailed documentations for VLP
- Release code for BM25 full-scale retrieval (over 544k text sources and 390k image sources across the entire dataset) ✅
- Release code for CLIP (zero-shot) full-scale retrieval