- 0
How to create a composite principal?
#271 opened by dreambeyondorange - 1
- 2
Add support for eks-auth:AssumeRoleForPodIdentity
#268 opened by skeggse - 0
TagResource action needed for ApiGateway
#254 opened by lnreeder - 1
New Release
#235 opened by michael-k - 1
Stop caching propnames?
#162 opened by michael-k - 1
Creating AWS objects from deserialized json?
#131 opened by harshita-gupta - 7
- 1
- 0
- 1
S3 ARNs are too bucket centric
#185 opened by michael-k - 1
Release 1.0.2
#157 opened by adam133 - 2
Missing S3 Permissions - ListObjectVersions
#143 opened by santoshkarla - 1
Missing actions for CodeArtifact
#144 opened by NeilJed - 3
Please make a new release
#147 opened by gcochard - 1
Unable to Create IAM Policy Statement ( that is a troposphere.Ref
#139 opened by michael-burt - 0
- 1
- 2
- 0
- 4
#121 opened by marinpurgar - 2
Wrong Condition name in `_condition_strings`
#111 opened by iharush - 4
Is it possible to get a release?
#95 opened by hammy7867 - 1
- 1
- 0
- 2
- 1
Cloudwatch missing dashboard actions
#91 opened by hammy7867 - 2
Generated policies are missing some dynamo Actions
#90 opened by pdex - 1
- 4
- 1
- 7
invalid permission?
#34 opened by tbhi - 2
`.type` is not always set
#32 opened by solidsnack - 0
egg-info missing?
#9 opened by Redundancy - 7
- 6
iam ARN broken
#54 opened by webratz - 2
S3 ARN broken
#61 opened by mrwalters1988 - 2
README.rst provides bad example
#72 opened by sweetness-magoo - 1
- 1
Missing lambda:ListTags/TagResource
#67 opened by ejholmes - 1
Missing ForAllValues / ForAnyValue
#56 opened by troyready - 1
Missing autoscaling permissions for "AttachLoadBalancers" and "DetachLoadBalancers"
#41 opened by matthewdfuller - 5
Need support for Amazon Cognito User Pools
#62 opened by philipmw - 1
- 1
Cannot create S3 bucket policy for public access
#16 opened by pas256 - 4
New release?
#12 opened by craigbruce - 3