
GitHub Action to build cloudtruth-cli from source

Checkout and build the CloudTruth CLI from source.


Add to your GitHub Workflow to checkout the Cloudtruth CLI and build it from source with the Rust compiler. This action automatically installs the required Rust toolchain for you.

    - uses: cloudtruth/cli-build-action@v1

By default, this will:

  • checkout the main branch of cloudtruth/cloudtruth-cli into the workspace directory
  • install the Rust toolchain version specified by the rust-toolchain file present in the repo
  • build the CLI executable with Cargo
  • run unit tests.


Check out source in a child directory

    - uses: cloudtruth/cli-build-action@v1
          path: cloudtruth-cli

Check out a specifc branch/ref (same format as actions/checkout)

    - uses: cloudtruth/cli-build-action@v1
          ref: refs/tags/1.1.8

Add cargo build and cargo test options

    - uses: cloudtruth/cli-build-action@v1
          buildOptions: --release
          testOptions: --no-fail-fast

Install Rust toolchain with additional components

    - uses: cloudtruth/cli-build-action@v1
            components: rustfmt, clippy ## formatter and linter

Skip unit tests and build caching

    - uses: cloudtruth/cli-build-action@v1
          skipCache: true
          skipUnitTests: true

Custom build target (for cross-compilation). Note that target is only used to tell rustup to install rust-std bindings for that particular target, but to compile the CLI for that target you'll still need to add the --target option to your buildOptions.

    - uses: cloudtruth/cli-build-action@v1
            ## Install rust-std for WebAssembly
            target: wasm32-unknown
            ## Build for Webassembly
            buildOptions: --target wasm32-unknown --release


buildOptions string false Command-line options passed directly to cargo<br>build
cacheDirectories string false Additional non workspace directories to be
cached, separated by newlines.
cacheKey string false "v0-cloudtruth-cli" A custom string to prefix cache
keys with when caching build artifacts
cargoBinstall string false "false" If true, installs cargo binstall for
faster installation of Cargo utilities
components string false Rust toolchain components to install (ex
rustfmt, clippy)
cross string false "false" Whether to use Cross or Cargo
for builds (default to Cargo). Set
to true for cross builds.
override string false "false" Whether to use rustup default or
rustup override (default to rustup default).
Set to true for override behavior
path string false "." Relative path under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE to place
the repository
profile string false "minimal" rust toolchain profile to use
ref string false Git ref to build from (defaults
to the default branch)
skipBuild string false "false" Skip the build step. Useful if
you just want to run linting
or reports.
skipCache string false "false" Skip caching of Cargo registry and
skipUnitTests string false "false" Skips running unit tests
target string false Build targets to install with rustup.
Note you will still need to
pass in the --target build option
with buildOptions if you want Cargo
to build this target)
testOptions string false Command-line options passed directly to cargo<br>test