
A branch of percona server bringing memcached record and sql-filter features

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Percona Server auto manager

Percona Server auto manager is a branch of percona-server-5.6.39-83.1 bringing memcached record and sql filter.

Documentation: percona-server-5.6.39-83.1

note: the memcached feature maybe usefull when you want login mysql server with one-time-one-password way, such as google totp. and the sql filter can be helpful when you want restrict the developers only execute allowed sql statement, you can disabled this with --skip-sql-filter option.


The memcached option depended on the following package:


How to compile

you can compile the source with the same way in percona-source-install, the memcached record feature was off by default, you can enable this with the following option:


the sql filter feature was embedded into client/mysql with --sql-fiter option, default is on, you can disabled this by --skip-sql-filter when you connect mysql server.

How does it work?

memcached option

We add the store_userpass_mem function to the source code src/client/mysql.cc and src/client/mysqldump.c so that we can send mysql username and password to memcached server, and you can user --help option to see the --memcached-server option when you compile the source code.

# /opt/percona5.6.39/bin/mysql --help|grep -P 'memcached|threshold|filter'
  --table-threshold=# table size(MB) threshold for disabled alter syntax, default
  --sql-filter        whether enable sql filter, default is true(1)
                      (Defaults to on; use --skip-sql-filter to disable.)
memcached-server                  localhost:11211
table-threshold                   200
sql-filter                        TRUE

the username and password will be send to memcached server before the mysql or mysqldump really connect to the mysql server.

sql filter

We add the following rules before sending the actual sql queries to MySQL Server, return immediately if mathed these rules, otherwise send to MySQL Server:

1. select statement must have where/limit keywords;
2. update/delete statement must have where keyword;
3. disable 'update/delete ..where..(order by|limit)' syntax;
4. disable 'drop database/drop schema' syntax;
5. disable 'create index' syntax;
6. disable descreased ALTER syntax, this means you can 'add' column, but not 'drop|change|modify|rename' column;
7. disable 'grant all' syntax;
8. disable 'revoke' syntax;
9. disable 'load' syntax;
10. disabled descreased DDL syntax. this means you can not 'purge/truncate/drop' table;
11. disabled 'set ...' syntax, except 'set names ...';
12. disabled if table size is greater than --table-threshold value, default is 200(MB);

record sql

We add --record-file option to record all sql, default is /tmp/.mysql_record_all, every user have a $record-file.$USER file to record the sql, you can use --record-file="" to skip record the sql query. if you login with root user:

# less /tmp/.mysql_record_all.root 
[2018-10-08T12:50:55 login:root user:root shell:/bin/bash cwd:/home/mysql/percona-server-auto-manager/client db:(null)] show databases
[2018-10-08T12:50:59 login:root user:root shell:/bin/bash cwd:/home/mysql/percona-server-auto-manager/client db:test] show tables

How to use?

login mysql server with a right/wrong password:

# /opt/percona5.6.39/bin/mysql -h -u arstercz -P 3305 -p --memcached-server ""
Enter password: 
ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (113)

read from memcached:

# memcached-tool dump
Dumping memcache contents
  Number of buckets: 1
    Number of items  : 1
    Dumping bucket 1 - 1 total items
    add arstercz 0 1520839412 10

when you connect to mysql server, the sql filter was triggerd automaticly:

mysql arstercz@[ (none)] > alter table checksums add column sss varchar(50);                   

        [WARN] - Must 'use <database>' before alter table, current database is null.

mysql arstercz@[ (none)] > use percona
Database changed
mysql arstercz@[ percona] > alter table checksums drop column sss varchar(50);   

         +-- alter table checksums drop column sss varchar(50)
         Caused by: disable descreased ALTER syntax.
this sql syntax was disabled by administrator

mysql arstercz@[ percona] > select * from checksums;

         +-- select * from checksums
         Caused by: no where/limit for select clause
this sql syntax was disabled by administrator

mysql arstercz@[ percona] > delete from checksums;

         +-- delete from checksums
         Caused by: no where for delete/update clause
this sql syntax was disabled by administrator

mysql arstercz@[ percona] > alter table test.user_info add column sss varchar(50);

        [WARN] - the test.user_info size is 4240MB, disallowed by administrator

extra feature

audit_log plugin

we add audit_log_timezone option to support LOCAL or UTC timezone in audit_log, default is UTC, you can change with dynamic way:

set global audit_log_timezone = LOCAL;

readonly prompt

you can add \i to mysql prompt option to know whether the mysql server is readonly or not, ro means read only, this maybe a slave host, rw means read write:

prompt = 'mysql \u@[\h:\p \d \i] > '

readonly check was embedded whether you enable WITH_MEMCACHED_RECORD:

mysql root@[localhost:s3301 (none) rw] > select @@read_only;
| @@read_only |
|           0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql root@[localhost:s3301 (none) rw] > set global read_only = 1;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.07 sec)

mysql root@[localhost:s3301 (none) ro] > set global read_only = 0;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql root@[localhost:s3301 (none) rw] >