
Write container images as NixOS machines

Primary LanguageNixMIT LicenseMIT

Declarative container images with Nix

warning: this project is no longer maintained

With this project you can

  • make your image composable (thanks to the NixOS modules system)
  • integrate the s6 init system in your images
  • reuse some NixOS modules in a container... without relying on systemd
  • make a Nix a Docker image, built by Nix

Getting started

To build a Docker image named hello that runs hello.

lib.makeImage (
  { pkgs, ... }: {
    config.image = {
      name = "hello";
      entryPoint = [ "${pkgs.hello}/bin/hello" ];
  • To build an empty image from CLI,

    nix-build -E 'with import ./default.nix{}; lib.makeImage{ config.image.name = "empty"; }'
  • To use lib.makeImage in your project, add overlay.nix to your nixpkgs overlay list.

The image module section for more information.

Use s6 as init system to run services

The s6 module can be used to build an image with an init system. The s6 init system is used to run defined s6.services.

lib.makeImage ({ pkgs, ... }: {
  config = {
    image.name = "s6";
    s6.services.nginx = {
      execStart = ''${pkgs.nginx}/bin/nginx -g "daemon off;"'';

Some goals of using an init system in a container are

  • Proper PID 1 (no zombie processes)
  • Run several services in one container
  • Processes debugging (if the process is killed or died, the container is not necessarily killed)
  • Execute initialization tasks

See s6 module for details.

(Re)Use NixOS modules

Some NixOS modules can be used, such as users, etc.

lib.makeImage ({ pkgs, ... }: {
  config = {
    image.name = "nixos";
    environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.coreutils ];
    users.users.alice = {
      isNormalUser = true;

See also supported NixOS modules.

Systemd support for NixOS modules :/

It is possible to run some NixOS modules defining systemd services thanks to a partial systemd implementation with s6.

Note this implementation is fragile, experimental and partial!

lib.makeImage ({ pkgs, ... }: {
  config = {
    image.name = "nginx";
    # Yeah! It is the NixOS module!
    services.nginx.enable = true;

Predefined images

  • nix: basic single user installation

These images can be built with nix-build -A dockerImages.

More configurations and images are also available in the tests directory.

Module image

The image module defines common Docker image attributes, such as the image name, the environment variables, etc. Please refer to the image options documentation.

Module s6

This module allows you to easily create services, managed by the s6 init system. Three types of services can be defined:

  • oneshot-pre services are exectued sequentially at container start time and must terminate. They can be ordered thanks to the after option.
  • long-run services are for daemons and are managed by s6. There is no notion of dependency for long-run services.
  • oneshot-post services are executed sequentially once all long-run services have been started. They can also be ordered (after option). They are generally used to provision started services.

Options are described in this generated s6 options documentation.

How/when s6 main process is terminated

By default, if a s6 service fails, the s6-svcscan (PID 1 in a container) process is terminated. A long-run service can set the restartOnFailure option to true to restart the service when it fails.

If the S6_DONT_TERMINATE_ON_ERROR environment variable is set, s6-svscan is not terminated on service failure. This can be used to debug a failing service interactively.

Supported NixOS modules

  • users: create users and groups
  • nix: configure Nix
  • environment.etc: create files in /etc
  • systemd: a small subset of the systemd module is implemented with s6
  • nginx: see its test

Important: only a small subset of NixOS modules is supported. See the tests directory for supported (and tested) features.


  • s6: s6 tests executed in the Nix build environment (fast to run but limited)
  • dockerImages: tests on Docker images executed in a NixOS VM.

Implementation of the NixOS systemd service interface

A subset of the NixOS systemd services interface is supported and implemented with the s6 init system.

There are several differences with the NixOS systemd implementation. The main one is the service dependency model:

  • Services of type simple become long-run s6 services and dependencies are ignored.
  • Services of type oneshot become onehost-pre s6 services except if they have an after dependency to a simple service. In this case, they become oneshot-post. Dependencies between oneshot services are respected.


  • To generate and run the container init script as user
    nix-build  -A dockerImages.example-systemd.init
    ./result S6-STATE-DIR
  • To get the image used by a test nix-build -A tests.dockerImages.nginx.image
  • The NixOS config of an image nix-instantiate --eval -A tests.dockerImages.nginx.image.config
  • The NixOS config of an s6 test nix-instantiate --eval -A tests.s6.path.config.systemd

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Contributions to nix-container-images through PRs are always welcome. All PRs will be automatically tested by the Hydra CI server.