
TM drivers for OpenNebula using the LizardFS distributed file system

Primary LanguageShell

Lizardfs TM drivers for OpenNebula

Based on the original OpenNebula code, changes by Carlo Daffara (NodeWeaver Srl) 2017-2018

For information and requests: info@nodeweaver.eu

To contribute bug patches or new features, you can use the github Pull Request model.

Code and documentation are under the Apache License 2.0 like OpenNebula.

This is the same set of drivers used within our NodeWeaver platform, compatible with Lizardfs 3.x and OpenNebula 5.4.x Prerequisites:

  • lizardfs command executable by the user that launch the OpenNebula probes (usually oneadmin) and in the default path
  • the lizardfs datastore must be mounted and reachable from all the nodes where the TM drivers are in use, and with the same path

The TM drivers are derived from the latest "shared" TM drivers, with all the copies and other operations modified to use the live snapshot feature of LizardFS.

To install in OpenNebula:

Copy the drivers in /var/lib/one/remotes/tm/lizardfs

# fix ownership
# is you have changed the default user and group of OpenNebula, substitute oneadmin.onedadmin with <installationuser>.<installationgroup>
chown -R oneadmin.oneadmin /var/lib/one/remotes/tm/lizardfs

in the section

TM_MAD = [
    executable = "one_tm",
    arguments = "-t 15 -d dummy,lvm,shared,fs_lvm,qcow2,ssh,vmfs,ceph,dev,lizardfs"

(or the name you use for the lizardfs repo)

if you want to add Datastore support: Create a lizardfs directory in the datastore directory, and add the files in the repo https://github.com/cloudweavers/lizardfs-DM_MAD In the one.conf file add "lizardfs" in the section

    executable = "one_datastore",
    arguments  = "-t 15 -d dummy,fs,vmfs,lvm,ceph,dev,lizardfs"


    NAME = "lizardfs",
    SHARED = "YES",

    TM_MAD_SYSTEM = "shared",

    NAME = "lizardfs",

(the TM_MAD_CONF and DS_MAD_CONF were graciously highlighted by GitHub user https://github.com/ioiioi )

Then, add lizardfs on kvm to the list of live disk snapshot capable TM:

edit /etc/one/vmm_exec/vmm_execrc

# Space separated list of VMM-TM pairs that support live disk snapshots. VMM
# and TM must be separated by '-'
LIVE_DISK_SNAPSHOTS="kvm-qcow2 kvm-ceph kvm-lizardfs"

restart opennebula:

service opennebula restart
service opennebula-sunstone restart

As oneadmin user sync the remote scripts:

su - oneadmin -c 'onehost sync --force'

Thanks to