
Apache Beam Sample, use master branch as a java skeleton project.

Primary LanguageJava

A Comprehensive Data Platform on GCP

You can use this master branch as a skeleton beam project



Overall Streaming System Architecture

Proposed streaming pipeline

IMPORTANT: in the sample code, assume the pubsub message is json text encoded in utf-8

pubsub/kafka -> dataflow/flink -> join dimesion table -> data processing (realtime calculation + data warehouse ingestion + back files) -> GCS(avro, csv for both data & deadleter) + BigQuery + HBase/Bigtable (realtime analysis) + Elasticsearch

Current pipeline DAG

  • Data consumption from message queue (Pubsub / Kafka)
  • Raw data join dimension table, MySQL & fit in memroy
  • Windowed data really time aggregation then ingest into Bigtable / Hbase
  • Hot data ingest into Elasticsearch for realtime analysis
  • Ingest into data warehouse (BigQuery) for big data analysis
  • Data backup into files (Avro + CSV)

GCLB (Google Cloud Load Balancer) real time analysis

We have a dedicated branch for this.

Introduce the Basic Mode

Basic mode is a simplified real time data pipeline sample created for Firebase/GA users as a quickstart.

All you need to do is set the isBasic flag to true in one of those runtime parameters.

Once the flag in on, the pipeline is simple as

events data -> Pubsub -> Dataflow -> BigQuery

You can use this data generator or publish the json data yourself, as long as you follow our predefined schema, which is exactly the same as Firebase/GA native table. Then the Beam code will take care of the rest.

I have tested pub/sub data across regions, TW & US, usually the data will be available in BQ within 500ms.

When to consider this solution
  • Firebase / GA native pipeline may have a delay up to 48 hours
  • Very occasional data losses, and it's hard to pinpoint the causation or fix it
  • Limited number of messages per day
  • Streaming inserts cost, this pipeline can run as batch jobs and insert data through BigQuery Storage API
  • You do not have to create the BigQuery table in advance. A time partitioned table based on the event timestamp will be auto created if it doesn't exist.
  • There is no impact on business team at all since the data schema are the same as Firebase / GA native tables. They only see their data much more timely
  • In case you may want to migrate your old GA schema to Firebase/GA4, please use the tool here
  • How to get user_pseudo_id from the client SDK
  • Import segments back into Firebase for targeting users

Quickstart 快速开始


Java dev environment

  • JDK8+
  • Maven
Dimension table in MySQL 维度表,这里用MySQL,假设可以全部加载到内存以分发到所有worker

项目里提供了初始化脚本 scripts/dim1.sql 维表更新的话直接update整个管道就可以了,如果维表需要LRU策略保留在内存,目前还没有办法。

You could use this script to init the MySQL if you use gcpplayground to generate your messages. Also, you could simply use this init script to run a MySQL instance in Docker.

Bigtable init 初始化Bigtable,可以用HBase代替

You could use make to initialize the Bigtable enviroment. Adjust the parameters in makefile accordingly, e.g. cluster name, region etc.

Create Bigtable cluster, run it once. 拉起一个Bigtable集群实例。

make btcluster

Setup Bigtable tables, both tall and wide. 这步会建立一个宽表和一个高表分别用来储存实时分析的数据。

make btinit

Elasticsearch index & kibana index pattern initialization, ES索引和Kibana的index pattern初始化

The minimum requirement here is to create a targeting index in advance or the job will fail. We'd better not let beam/dataflow to do that.

Following steps are optional but you may need to plan ahead for best practices, especially for streaming jobs.

  • Create an ES index template, so created index will share the same attributes (settings, mappings etc.)
  • Create a Kibana index pattern for query those indices
  • Create an ES index alias for ingestion, then rollover manualy or automatically

You could use the following scripts for above purposes, but remember to modify the init.sh accordingly for connection parameters.



Also, you should update ./scripts/elastic/index-raycom-template.json accordingly to define the index schema and settings.


then run,

cd scripts/elastic


Finally, you may want to ingest data into different indices on a time basis, like hourly, daily or monthly. This could be controlled by using Index alias. So your dataflow job can only specify the name of the alias on start. Curator is the tool can automate this process or schedule your own jobs.

Let's do this manually in the Kibana Dev Tools UI

  • Create an index for ingestion
PUT raycom-dataflow
  • Create an index alias
POST /_aliases
  "actions": [
      "add": {
        "index": "raycom-dataflow",
        "alias": "raycom-dataflow-ingest"
  • (Optional) Later you may want to ingest into a new index without updating the dataflow job, you could do this
POST /_aliases
  "actions": [
      "remove": {
        "index": "raycom-dataflow",
        "alias": "raycom-dataflow-ingest"
      "add": {
        "index": "raycom-dataflow-new",
        "alias": "raycom-dataflow-ingest"
PUT _ilm/policy/raycom_policy
  "policy": {
    "phases": {
      "hot": {
        "actions": {
          "rollover": {
            "max_size": "20GB",
            "max_docs": 20000000,
            "max_age": "7d"
      "delete": {
        "min_age": "30d",
        "actions": {
          "delete": {}

You will need to update the index template

"index_patterns": ["raycom*"],                 
"settings": {
  "number_of_shards": 1,
  "number_of_replicas": 1,
  "index.lifecycle.name": "raycom_policy",      
  "index.lifecycle.rollover_alias": "raycom-dataflow-ingest"    
PUT raycom-dataflow-000001
  "aliases": {
    "raycom-dataflow-ingest": { "is_write_index": true } 

Other out of scope topics on Elastic best practices,

Run the pipeline

This branch is focusing on streaming, so the sample subscribes messages from Pubsub. It's easy to switch to KafkaIO in beam. But the quickest way to produce some dummy data then send to Pubsub for fun is by using this project.

If you use the GCP Play Ground to produce the pubsub message, there isn't much to do. Simply update the run shell script, make sure you have the corresponding permissions to manipulate the GCP resources.

Double check the paramters passed to the job trigger in makefile, then,

make df

The purpose of this project is only to show you how to quickly run a streaming pipeline in Dataflow and the concepts about windowing, triggers & watermark. Even though the running cluster is elastic, you'd better break this big DAG into smaller pipelines and use Pubsub(or Kafka) as a 'communication bus' for better computing resources utilization and easy/faster recovery. Also, there are ways you could improve the performance, i.e. csv data handling etc. It's not the purpose of this example.


Triggers explained 触发器解释


  1. Do I need to setup the BigQuery table in advance?

A: No. The application will create for you, and append to existing table by default.

  1. How to control the permissions?

A: This project is currently relying on the service account specified by the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable. Consult here for details.

  1. More details for triggers?

A: Hope this example explained triggers well.

  1. The DAG is too complicated?

A: You will need to comment out the code blocks in the job code file to simplify it to get a really quick start. Or master branch could be another go :)

  1. Elasticsearch index alias cannot guarantee all data in a particular window falls into corresponding index during rotation.

A: This actually doesn't matter since you query multiple indices / index pattern anyway.