
Public Repo of CloudYuga's Kubernetes Courses Labs

Kubernetes Courses

This is a Public Repo of CloudYuga's Kubernetes Courses with all the required course files. This repo consists of branches for each course with their respective course files.

Following are the CloudYuga Kubernetes courses whose branches have been created:

  • Kubernetes 101
  • Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate (KCNA)
  • Kubernetes for Administrators (CKA)
  • Kubernetes for Developers (CKAD)
  • Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS)
  • Advanced Kubernetes

Steps to Clone the repository with their respective branch

  • Choose the branch from the branch list.
  • Run the following command on your terminal
  git clone https://github.com/cloudyuga/k8s-courses.git -b <branch-name>

For example :

  git clone https://github.com/cloudyuga/k8s-courses.git -b cka
  • Access the cloned folder and check the files.

NOTE: You can fork the repository as well and cloned the forked repository as well.