
Clouway Http Intelligent Transport Api

Primary LanguageJava


####Clouway Http Intelligent Transport Api

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The library represent a wrapper of the java.net.HttpURLConnection class. The main goal is to represent a builder style for construction of http requests and sending different objects by POST/GET/PUT/DELETE method using Sitebricks-like Transport.



HttpRequest request = httpRequest(new TargetUrl("abv.bg")).build();
HttpClient chitaClient = new HttpClient();// in most cases chitaClient should be injected
HttpResponse response = chitaClient.execute(request);


TargetUrl targetUrl = new TargetUrl("http://telcong.com", "/test/address");
HttpRequest request = httpRequest(targetUrl).post(person).as(GsonTransport.class).build();
HttpClient chitaClient = new HttpClient();// in most cases chitaClient should be injected
HttpResponse response = chitaClient.execute(request);

PUT with parameterized url

TargetUrl targetUrl = TargetUrl.urlTemplate("http://telcong.com", "/test/address/:address").setValue("address", "Veliko Turnovo").build();
HttpRequest request = httpRequest(targetUrl).put(person).as(GsonTransport.class).build();
HttpClient chitaClient = new HttpClient();// in most cases chitaClient should be injected
HttpResponse response = chitaClient.execute(request);

DELETE with parameterized url

TargetUrl targetUrl = TargetUrl.urlTemplate("http://telcong.com", "/test/device/:deviceId").setValue("deviceId", "12345").build();
HttpRequest request = httpRequest(targetUrl).delete().build();
HttpClient chitaClient = new HttpClient();// in most cases chitaClient should be injected
HttpResponse response = chitaClient.execute(request);

Also there is a way to read an object from the response or the whole response as byte array.

Result reply = response.read(Result.class).as(GsonTransport.class);
byte[] reply = response.readBytes();
The api works successfully with http and https, also is fully compatible with the Google App Engine platform.