
cufer - clouWay flagged attendance reviewer

Primary LanguageJava


Clouway User Flagged Attendance Reviewer

Seen/unseen flags with many users.


Here is an example of how the library is used.

Suppose we have a task that is scheduled for completion and we are making changes to its schedule. A general workflow will look like:

FlagService flagService = <new FlagService instance>
Task task = <new Task instance>

// Create a flag instance
ChangeFlag taskScheduleFlag = new TaskScheduleFlag();

// Making changes to the schedule
flagService.addFlagChange(taskScheduleFlag, dateOfUpdate, task.getId());

// An attender(user or someone else) looks at the schedule
flagService.seeFlag(taskScheduleFlag, taskList, attender, dateBeforeUpdate);

// Apply the flag values to one or more tasks
flagService.applyFlags(attender, taskList, new TaskScheduleFlagApplier());


Your change flags should implement the ChangeFlag interface and be annotated with the @FlagFor annotation, like so:

@FlagFor(target = "Task", flagName = "TaskSchedule")
class TaskScheduleFlag implements ChangeFlag<Task, Long> {
  public Long getReferenceId(Task task) {
    return task.getId();

Also you need a FlagApplier for each of your flags:

class TaskScheduleFlagApplier implements FlagApplier<Task, Long> {

  public void apply(Task task, boolean flagSeen) {
    /* implementation for applying the flagSeen value to the task instance */

    public Long getReferenceId(Task task) {
      return task.getId();