- 4
IndexError: list index out of range
#33 opened by typeface-cn - 2
about phase 1 training
#39 opened by sirius1114 - 4
ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence. The requested array has an inhomogeneous shape after 2 dimensions. The detected shape was (27, 2) + inhomogeneous part.
#34 opened by KangyueXiong - 4
- 1
- 2
Question about korean generator
#35 opened by work82mj - 1
- 3
KeyError: '71FC'
#32 opened by typeface-cn - 3
- 9
- 1
Hello, may I ask how to process data when using images as training sets in LFFont?
#31 opened by githubnameoo - 8
The label number of the chn_decomposed
#27 opened by simbadu1999 - 0
Question about training
#28 opened by isyyzhang - 13
- 2
Pre-trained model for Korean fonts generation
#26 opened by SuziKim - 7
- 2
Question about
#25 opened by yjunej - 10
Training interrupted by validation
#24 opened by zha-hengfeng - 2
how to "Build meta file to dump lmdb environment" and how to "python "?
#21 opened by pengyaru - 7
Style transfer for a single font
#20 opened by YIYANGCAI - 2
I have a question ablout input_img size.
#19 opened by clscy - 7
I have a question about phase2
#18 opened by clscy - 2
I have three questions about the training details
#17 opened by clscy - 2
when evaluator phase1,it occurs a error named "TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'emb_block"
#16 opened by clscy - 4
How to use pre-trained model
#15 opened by MingtaoGuo - 2
How can I create decompose file(meta/chn_decompose.json) for another language? Japanese in my case.
#14 opened - 6
how to test model with pretrained weight
#2 opened by Johnson-yue - 4
Did you consider using edge information?
#13 opened by Johnson-yue - 4
It failed when train phase2
#12 opened by Johnson-yue - 1
Can not Evaluate!
#11 opened by Johnson-yue - 6
- 1
KeyError : "XXXX" when valid phase
#6 opened by Johnson-yue - 0
#5 opened by Johnson-yue - 2
question about your dataset number?
#1 opened by Johnson-yue