Official PyTorch implementation of "A Comprehensive Overhaul of Feature Distillation" (ICCV 2019)
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#40 opened by gadhane - 2
ImageNet Trained model
#39 opened by gadhane - 4
Saving the Distilled Model
#38 opened by gadhane - 1
A new implementation for overhual distillation
#36 opened by zjykzj - 1
Does t_net also need to be trained?
#37 opened by TouchSkyWf - 1
torch.no_grad() is impotant?
#34 opened by sakh251 - 2
About extracting pre relu features
#35 opened by RuiFeiHe - 1
About the margin
#32 opened by Fangkang515 - 0
student model every layer no need relu activation funcution in validation,is it ok?
#33 opened by jerrytony - 2
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#20 opened by jianbaba - 4
KD with Resnet and Mobinetv3
#30 opened by hamhanry - 1
how to compute margin from BN statistics?
#29 opened by Pixie8888 - 2
A question about equation 4
#28 opened by peter943 - 7
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loss 계산하는 과정에서 1000 으로 나누어주는 부분에 대해서 질문드립니다.
#27 opened by cbpark-nota - 1
The "freeze_support()" line can be omitted if the program is not going to be frozen to produce an executable.
#26 opened by musab-r - 2
low speed when training the network
#24 opened by PkuDavidGuan - 2
about measure result about model size
#25 opened by ZainZhao - 1
question about get_margin_from_BN function
#19 opened by jiseo - 2
Implementation of other methods
#17 opened by GUOShuxuan - 3
question abount margin seting
#6 opened by SaintLogos1234 - 3
Pretrained models for CIFAR10
#22 opened by zhangman164 - 0
#21 opened by ooodragon94 - 4
how to set the alpha parameters?
#2 opened by ray-lee-94 - 1
Have your tried configuration where teacher and student are totally differet, such as densenet and resnet, or densenet and mobilenet?
#16 opened by leoozy - 3
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Normalization factor Z in margin value
#18 opened by winycg - 1
What is the "Z" in your equa 10
#15 opened by leoozy - 8
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A question about Experimental results
#9 opened by baek85 - 3
Training configuration about teacher WRN28-4.
#11 opened by Abyssaledge - 2
Semantic segmentation source
#1 opened by myth01 - 5
Question about loss_distill
#10 opened by Sundrops - 2
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How to calculate Mc without BatchNorm Layer
#7 opened by hwc1824 - 2
ResNet architecture
#5 opened by mileyan - 0
#4 opened by Wondersui - 0