Evaluating Weakly Supervised Object Localization Methods Right (CVPR 2020)
- 3
The processing of score maps
#62 opened by SvyJ - 2
About the class of objects
#61 opened by Breezewrf - 4
consult training hyperparameters
#60 opened by shaofeifei11 - 4
- 0
- 0
Pretrained Models
#57 opened by m-parchami - 0
Results of OpenImage30K
#56 opened by yumingfan-0219 - 0
- 1
Top-1 localization
#50 opened by htyj123 - 1
Sequence of normalization and resize of CAM?
#54 opened by Kevinz-code - 2
About FSL baseline
#43 opened by mengmeng18 - 7
About ImageNetV2 file name
#42 opened by hyunOO - 3
slow cv2.findContours
#52 opened by sbelharbi - 1
- 1
FSL baseline
#48 opened by htyj123 - 2
- 1
optimal oracle value
#46 opened by wjun0830 - 3
Interpretation of the result
#47 opened by shashankvkt - 2
Cropping and Resizing
#45 opened - 2
Dataset Structure
#44 opened - 2
Data split for FSL
#41 opened by won-bae - 3
logic problem
#40 opened by lingorX - 1
- 4
Pretrained Resnet
#37 opened by shadowwkl - 2
calculate MaxBoxAcc
#36 opened by shadowwkl - 5
Cant see data for
#31 opened by gowriaddepalli - 7
Re-implementation confusion
#35 opened by TyroneLi - 4
- 4
Apply multi gpu pytorch training and test?
#34 opened by TyroneLi - 5
- 3
- 2
Test Dataset description
#27 opened by gowriaddepalli - 1
confusion regarding additional datasets
#29 opened by umairjavaid - 5
Custom datasets
#17 opened by santoshreddy254 - 7
- 2
Hyperparameter to reproduce Table 2
#22 opened by chenwydj - 3
- 2
Minor notational inconsistency in paper.
#24 opened by kdexd - 2
Some issue about the CUB val dataset
#25 opened by DLyzhou - 2
GPU and training time required by this repo
#21 opened by chenwydj - 5
How to do Top-1 localization in your code?
#14 opened by umairjavaid - 2
- 2
- 2
About dataset
#13 opened by wenjunbaby - 2
#12 opened by sab148 - 2
Is original evaluation metric used in cvpr 16 max bbox acc available with this code ?
#11 opened by graylevel255 - 2
- 1
- 1
ValueError: Cannot take a larger sample than population when 'replace=False'
#7 opened by umairjavaid - 1
TypeError: __init__() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'iou_threshold_list' and 'multi_contour_eval'
#6 opened by umairjavaid