
πŸ€convert cloverx api definition into swagger specific format

Primary LanguageJavaScript


πŸ€convert cloverx api definition into swagger specific format



npm i cloverx-doc --save

The baseDir shoud have follow directory struct.

β”œβ”€β”€ controller # Your api definitions must be created in this folder.
β”‚   └── v1
β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ bundle.js
β”‚       └── deep
β”‚           └── client.js
└── schema
    └── swagger
        └── definitions.js # Your data model definations are here

then comment your api following jsdoc style

 * The description of your api
 * @tags client, cli
 * @httpMethod post
 * @path /bundle/:platform
 * @param {string#path} platform - description
 * @param {string#formData} dependencies - description, support markdown
 * ```javascirpt
 * Example
 * {
 *   "dfc": "~1.1.0"
 * }
 * ```
 * @response [@Module]
function dependencies() {


and finally

const cloverxDoc = require('cloverx-doc');
let output = cloverxDoc.convert({
    baseDir: baseDir
    config: {
        host: '', // server address
        schemes: ['http'], // protocol, optional: https, http
        basePath: '/', // the prefix of url path
        // info about your app
        info: {
            version: '1.0.1',
            title: 'clover doc test',
            description: 'from test'

the swaggerDoc which generated by above code can be see here

Comment Style

The wraper must start with /**jsdoc

 * The description of your api write at start of the comment body.
 * markdown support
 * @tag ...
 * @tag ...

Tag Defination


which collection that api was belonged to.
the tags was defined in schema/swagger/tags.yaml.
Example: @tags client, cli


The action of http request which in lowercae.
Example: @httpMethod post


The path part of url, Fianl Path = basePath + directory path + path


@param {data type#location} params name - comment
Avaliable location see here.
Avaliable data type see here


The Modules are defined in schema/swagger/definitions.js.


Grammar Description
@ModuleName ref a module directly
[@ModuleName] wrap module in an array. When check the response, the array.length can be one or more, but the elements which are in the array must have the same type.
{:@ModuleName} the module can contain have one or more element which is restricted to same type.
{keyA:@ModuleName, keyB:@ModuleName} Similar to {:@ModuleName}, append the restriction of key-name.


Grammar Description
{:[@ModuleName]} -
{keyA:[@ModuleName], keyB:@ModuleName} -


Have the same grammar with response


const checker = cloverxDoc.checker({
    definitionsPath: 'The path to definitions of swagger module'


// will get a new list of formated `Module` object
// if there is a mismtach data type in sourceObj, it should throw an error
let res = checker
