Helldivers2 - AutoHotkey Stratagems Scripts ( not working at this moment )

This project is a collection of AutoHotkey scripts for the game Helldivers. It provides various stratagems and shortcuts to enhance gameplay.


To install and use the Helldivers2 AutoHotkey Stratagems Scripts, follow these steps:

  1. Download and install AutoHotkey from the official website (https://www.autohotkey.com/).
  2. Clone or download the Helldivers2 repository from GitHub.
  3. Extract the contents of the downloaded ZIP file (if applicable).
  4. Open the extracted folder in your preferred code editor.
  5. Run the main script file, helldivers2.ahk, by double-clicking on it.
  6. The script will now be running in the background, ready to enhance your Helldivers gameplay.

Note: Make sure to check the script's documentation for any additional configuration or customization options.

Thank Stratagems List from here
