Job interview assignment

We kindly ask you to solve the task below. By solving and submitting this assignment you provide us with insights in how you solve real-world problems.

Before you start

Download or clone this repo. Solve the task below. Push your code to a public repo, and send us the link as a reply to our email.

The task

Develop a Single Page Application (SPA). The SPA should contain an overview of all the games and view of a single game of those games, use the provided JSON data to produce the data you need. You need to solve the solution with the usage of JavaScript and also it needs to include usage of a Bundling Tool.


The Game List

This should be an overview of all the games in the JSON file. Where you should be able to view each game in a single game view.

The Game View

This should be the view of a game in the games list.

  • Andreas Quist - Initial work - clowNay