
Dotfiles for everythings

Primary LanguageVim Script

Thanatcha's Dotfiles

My universal dotfiles for every linux machine

  • nvim configs (mainly python, javascript)
  • tmux configs
  • zsh config + alias
  • i3wm configs (polybar, dunst, compton, xresources)
  • etc.


    sudo pacman -S git

    git clone https://github.com/thanatchakromsang/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles && cd ~/.dotfiles && ./installer.sh

Miscellaneous config


Change global npm path per user

  npm config set prefix ~/.local

Key Bindings


Normal mode

Commands Descriptions
:cd <path> Open path /path
Ctrl + hjkl Navigate via split panels
w Go to next word *
e Go to end of word *
b Go back word
Ctrlww Alternative navigate vim split panels (no tmux)
Ctrlw Switch pane toggle (with tmux)
,. Set path working directory
Tab or ,x Next buffer navigate (Normal mode)
ShiftTab or ,z previous buffer navigate
,e Find and open files
,c Close active buffer (close file)
T Open list of all buffer
F2 Open current file directory in NERDTree
F3 Toggle NERDTree
F4 List all class and method, support for python using ctags
,v Split vertical
,b Split horizontal
,f Search by pattern
,o Open github file/line (website), if used git in github
,sh Open terminal inside vim
,ga Execute git add on current file
,gc git commit (splits window to write commit message)
,gsh git push
,gll git pull
,gs git status
,gb git blame
,gd git diff
,gr git remove
,go git open current file in github
,gv git view tree (all)
,gvf git view tree (file)
,so Open Session
,ss Save Session
,sd Delete Session
,sc Close Session
gc Comment or uncomment lines that {motion} moves over
gf Open file under cursor (absolute path or relative)
YY Copy to clipboard
,p Paste
gg Move to first line in file
G Move to last line in file
/ Easymotion search forward
? Easymotion search backward
g/ Easymotion search stay
,n Cycle through ale error

Insert mode

Commands Descriptions
Altw Jump to next closed pair
Alte Fast wrap pair to closed pair
tab Expand UltiSnips
tab Jump forward after expand UltiSnips
Ctrlb Jump backward after expand UltiSnips
Ctrln Completion insert next matching word
Ctrlp Completion insert previous matching word
Ctrle Activate Emmet plugin

Visual mode

Commands Descriptions
U Convert selected text to uppercase
u Convert selected text to lowercase
~ Invert case of selected text
> indent to right
< indent to left
,nr Narrow region line


Commands Descriptions
qX Start recording a macro (X = key to assign macro to)
q Stop recording a macro
@X Playback a macro (X = key to assign macro to)
@@ Replay previously played macro
alias Descriptions
l List directory in column with permission
la List hidden directory in column with permission
l. List hidden files and directory in column
ls List directory in row
l1 List directorey in column
Ctrlz Suspend currently working jobs
f Open suspending background jobs
j List suspending background jobs
df Check filesystem harddisk
v Open nvim
r Open ranger
u Update system
c Clear terminal
ssh@venture Connect to venture server
Commands Descriptions
Alt + Tab Prefix for command
Ctrl + hjkl Navigate via split panels
Ctrl + w Switch pane toggle
Prefix + v Split vertical
Prefix + b Split horizontal
Prefix + c Create a new window
Prefix + k Kill current window
Prefix + Tab Move to next window
Prefix + ShiftTab Move to previous window
Prefix + w Choose window from a list
Prefix + f Maximize current pane
Prefix + , Rename the current window
Prefix + Ctrls Save session
Prefix + Ctrlr Restore session
Prefix + I Install tmux plugins
Commands Descriptions
mod + enter Enter terminal
mod + q Kill focused window
mod + hjkl Change focus
modShift + hjkl Move focused window
mod + v Split vertical
mod + b Split horizontal
mod + f Fullscreen toggle
mod + x Scratchpad toggle
mod + Tab Move to next workspace
modShift + Tab Move to previous workspace
modShift + x Move to scratchpad
mod + num Switch to workspace num
modShift + num Move focused container to workspace num
mod + s Stack layout
mod + t Tab layout
mod + e Split layout
modShift + space Floating toggle
mod + a Focus parent
modShift + c Reload configuration
modShift + r Restart i3
mod + d Rofi menu tab
mod + w Rofi window tab
mod + p Rofi password store
mod + n Rofi network manager
mod + r + hjkl Resize window
mod + Delete + losrp Logout system
mod + Print + fsr Print or record screen