Carepatron Frontend Test

This project is a client management application built using React and various libraries. It allows users to create clients and search for clients.

Table of Contents


  1. Create a Client
  • All fields are required.
  1. Search for a Client
  • Searching in the "search field" filters the list of clients by their first or last name.
  • Example: "John Stevens" and "Steven Smith" should both show up if a user searches "steven."
  • Example: "John Stevens" should show up if a user searches "john."

What I Added

In addition to the provided tech stack, I have integrated the following technologies:

Getting Started

To run the application locally, follow these steps:

  1. In a new terminal, navigate to the /mock-api/ directory:
   cd mock-api/
  1. Install dependencies and start the mock API server:
  npm install
  npm run build
  npm start
  1. In another terminal, navigate to the /ui/ directory:
  cd ui/
  1. Install dependencies and start the UI:
  npm install
  npm start

End-to-end Testing

I have included Cypress tests to cover various aspects of the application, including form validation, search functionality, and client creation. The following tests have been covered:

  • Main components

    ✅ should render main components

  • Clients features

    • Client List Component

      ✅ should display correct columns

      ✅ should display a loading indicator (Skeleton) while waiting for an API request

      ✅ should display a list of clients

    • Client Search Component

      ✅ should filter the client list on search input

      ✅ John Stevens should show up if a user searches "john"

    • Create New Client

      ✅ should create a new client and then search for them

      ✅ should go back to personal details when back button is click

      ✅ should change the submit button label from next to submit when in contact details step form validations

      ✅ should display validation errors for empty form fields

      ✅ should display validation error for invalid email format

      ✅ should validate whitespaces

To run end to end testing

  npm run test:open


The application has been deployed using Vercel. You can access the live demo of the application at the following links:


Mock API: