
Primary LanguageRuby

Resort map

A Rails application has been set up with the React On Rails gem for server-rendering React.

This application contains one url - localhost:3000/resorts which you will have to improve.

A list of regions along with arrays of their children resorts are setup in resorts_controller

Using this data, please:

  1. render ResortListApp on the page using React on Rails
  2. Render a dropdown using the three given regions as options. The dropdown has the default value of 'Colorado'
  • bonus points: convert the region dropdown into an autocomplete field where the user can search for a region or a resort
  1. Render the selected region's resorts as a list. Display their name, review_score_avg and review_count values.
  2. Render a map using the Google Map Javascript API available on the page, you can either:
    1. use a React library such as https://github.com/tomchentw/react-google-maps for bonus points, or
    2. use vanilla Javascript and Google Map Javascript API in a ComponentDidMount callback
  3. Draw the currently selected region's resorts onto the map as Google Map Markers, by using the provided lat and lng for each resort
  4. On initial map load, and when the user selects a different region on the dropdown, pan and zoom the map so that it exactly fits all of that region's resort markers inside it
  5. After clicking on a Marker, render a tooltip containing the resort's information
  6. Cluster markers together if they overlap

Bonus points:

  • setup redux on the page and use redux to populate the data on the page

You have discretion to design the page however you want. For the purposes of the demonstration, you only have to cater for Iphone 7 and Pixel 2 mobile devices, the page does not have to work properly on desktop. Bootstrap is made available on the page if you wish to use any of their utility classes to assist with layout. You can add and use any 3rd party package you like in this project, just include them into package.json and run yarn.

Application steps for OSX:

Install RVM + Ruby

# get key
gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB

# install RVM with Ruby
\curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby

Install Homebrew

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

Install Yarn

brew install yarn

Install Gems + Yarn packages

# bundler
gem install bundler

# foreman
gem install foreman

# within application folder
bundle install

Setup credentials masterkey

# within application folder
touch config/master.key

# write separately provided key into this file

Boot up server

foreman start -f Procfile.dev