
postfix relay server Docker image.

Primary LanguageShell

Image extending tozd/postfix image to integrate it with tozd/sympa mailing lists service.

It contains hard-coded values used at the Cloyne deployment.

The intended use of this image is that it is run alongside the tozd/sympa image. You should mount /etc/sympa/shared volume into both containers to provide necessary SSH keys for communication between containers. The volume should contain also sympa_rewrite and sympa_transport files configuring the mailing lists which exist.

Example of a sympa_rewrite file:

/^sympa-request@/	postmaster
/^sympa-owner@/		postmaster
/(.+)-owner@(.+)/	$1+owner@$2

Example of a sympa_transport file, for each domain you have Sympa providing mailing lists:

/^sympa@example\.com$/	 sympadomain:
/^abuse-feedback-report@example\.com$/	 sympabouncedomain:
/^bounce\+.*@example\.com$/	 sympabouncedomain:
/^listmaster@example\.com$/	 sympa:
/^.+(announce|list|info|event|press|talk|news)\+owner@example\.com$/	sympabounce:
/^.+(announce|list|info|event|press|talk|news)(-request|-editor|-subscribe|-unsubscribe)?@example\.com$/	sympa: