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cloyne OpenWRT

instant OpenWRT config!

how to

flash tl-wr1043nd WAP

  • unboxing
    • unbox tl-wr1043nd
    • plug in power to tl-wr1043nd
    • plug in ethernet to tl-wr1043nd (LAN not WAN port) and your computer
  • bootloader downgrade
    • run ./bin/deps
    • if the device is not set to factory defaults, hit the reset button on the back for at least 5 seconds
    • connect to tl-wr1043nd either using DHCP or static ip in range
    • browse to
    • log in with user admin and password admin
    • click System Tools on the left sidebar
    • click Firmware Upgrade on the left sidebar
    • click Choose File and browse to ./firmware/tl-1043nd/original.img
    • click Upgrade
  • install factory OpenWRT
    • reconnect to tl-wr1043nd either using DHCP or static ip in range
    • run ./bin/flash ./firmware/tl-1043nd/factory.img
    • do not unplug anything and wait. the tl-wr1043 will eventually drop your connection, reflash, and reboot.
  • generate Cloyne profile
    • run ./bin/tl-1043nd-wap <ip_address> <hw_address> <hostname>
      • where ip_address is in range -; check network.csv in the network repository for a list of taken ip's
      • where hw_address is the same hardware addresss on the back of the tl-wr1043nd in form AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
      • where hostname is in form c1-wap
      • there is no progress indicator so let it run until completion
  • install sysupgrade Cloyne profile
    • reconnect to tl-wr1043nd either using DHCP or static ip in range
    • browse to
    • log in with user root and empty password
    • click System at top
    • click Backup / Flash Firmware at top
    • by Flash new firmware image, uncheck Keep settings, click Choose File, browse to ./ImageBuilder/bin/ar71xx/openwrt-ar71xx-generic-tl-wr1043nd-v1-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin, click 'Flash image...', verify the md5sum with cat ./ImageBuilder/bin/ar71xx/md5sums | grep openwrt-ar71xx-generic-tl-wr1043nd-v1-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin, and proceed!
    • do not unplug anything and wait. the tl-wr1043 will eventually drop your connection, reflash, and reboot.
  • find your new WAP at <ip_address>! you will not be able to DHCP through it until it is connected to the main network.



./bin/tl-1043nd-wap <ip_address> <hw_address> <hostname>


./bin/build -p profiles/tl-1043-wap -i <ip_address> -m <mac_address> -h <hostname>