Pento-DIARef: A Diagnostic Dataset for Learning the Incremental Algorithm for Referring Expression Generation from Examples
We present a Diagnostic dataset of IA References in a Pentomino domain (Pento-DIARef) that ties extensional and intensional definitions more closely together, insofar as the latter is the generative process creating the former.
We create a novel synthetic dataset of examples that pairs visual scenes with generated referring expressions; examine two variants of the dataset, representing two different ways to exemplify the underlying task; and evaluate an LSTM-based baseline, a transformer and a modified version with region embeddings on them.
NLP tasks are typically defined extensionally through datasets containing example instantiations (e.g., pairs of image i and text t), but motivated intensionally through capabilities invoked in verbal descriptions of the task (e.g., "t is a description of i, for which the content of i needs to be recognised and understood"). We present Pento-DIARef, a diagnostic dataset in a visual domain of puzzle pieces where referring expressions are generated by a well-known symbolic algorithm (the "Incremental Algorithm"), which itself is motivated by appeal to a hypothesised capability (eliminating distractors through application of Gricean maximes). Our question then is whether the extensional description (the dataset) is sufficient for a neural model to pick up the underlying regularity and exhibit this capability given the simple task definition of producing expressions from visual inputs. We find that a model supported by a vision detection step and a targeted data generation scheme achieves an almost perfect BLEU@1 score and sentence accuracy, whereas simpler baselines do not.
title = "Pento-DIARef: A Diagnostic Dataset for Learning the Incremental Algorithm for Referring Expression Generation from Examples",
author = "Sadler, Philipp and Schlangen, David",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Main Volume",
month = "may",
year = "2023",
address = "Dubrovnik, Croatia",
publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
title = "Pento-DIARef: A Diagnostic Dataset for Learning the Incremental Algorithm for Referring Expression Generation from Examples",
author = "Sadler, Philipp and Schlangen, David",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Main Volume",
month = "may",
year = "2023",
address = "Dubrovnik, Croatia",
publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
doi = "10.5281/zenodo.7625619",
howpublished= "\url{}"
This section covers a step-by-step guide of how to use the provided scripts and sources.
Checkout the repository
Install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
For all commands we assume that you are in the top level project directory and executed in before:
Create the data directory at a path of your choice.
mkdir -p /data/pento_diaref/didact
And copy the required files into the directory
cp resources/* /data/pento_diaref/didact
Then execute the script
python3 scripts/ \
--data_dir /data/pento_diaref/didact \
--train_num_sets_per_utterance_type 10 \
--test_num_sets_per_utterance_type 1 \
--gid_start 0 \
--seed 42
This will create 148,400/10,000/10,000
in-distribution samples for training/validation/testing
and the 756/840/840
out-of-distribution (holdout target piece symbols) samples
for the color, position and utterance type generalization tests.
The script additionally filters out training samples where the extra target selection accidentally produced a sample that has an utterance type reserved for the uts-holdout. So the remaining number of in-distribution training samples is probably between 120k-130k.
Note: During training, we only use the in-distribution validation samples for model selection.
Create the data directory at a path of your choice.
mkdir -p /data/pento_diaref/naive
And copy the required files into the directory
cp resources/* /data/pento_diaref/naive
Then execute the script
python3 scripts/ -ho \
--data_dir /data/pento_diaref/naive \
--with_ho \
--gid_start 1_000_000 \
--seed 42
This will create 148,400/10,000/10,000
in-distribution samples for training/validation/testing
using the same target piece symbols as above. For generalization testing we use the holdouts splits generated above.
Note: The holdouts computation is deterministic and only depends on the order
in the color, shape and position listings because we use itertools.product(colors, shapes, positions)
Thus, the target piece symbols seen during training are the same as for DIDACT
We briefly check the number of target piece symbols contained in the in-distribution samples.
These might be a bit lower for the DIDACT
training, because we removed unintended samples for the uts-holdout.
Overall the numbers should not vary too much between DIDACT
(ideally be zero).
python3 scripts/ \
--didact_dir /data/pento_diaref/didact \
--naive_dir /data/pento_diaref/naive
The generation process takes about an hour (more or less depending on the machine).
python3 scripts/ \
--data_dir /data/pento_diaref/didact \
--image_size 224 224 \
--category_name all \
--seed 42
The generation process takes about an hour (more or less depending on the machine).
python3 scripts/ \
--data_dir /data/pento_diaref/naive \
--image_size 224 224 \
--seed 42
{'id': 148294,
'group_id': 37073,
'size': 6,
'pieces': [('orange', 'Y', 'top center', 0),
('orange', 'Z', 'top right', 180),
('orange', 'W', 'bottom center', 90),
('orange', 'V', 'right center', 0),
('orange', 'V', 'bottom right', 0),
('orange', 'P', 'top center', 180)],
'target': 3,
'refs': [{'user': 'ia',
'instr': 'Take the V in the right center',
'type': 5,
'sent_type': 1266,
'props': {'shape': 'V', 'rel_position': 'right center'}}],
'bboxes': [[82, 112, 44, 59],
[164, 186, 37, 59],
[134, 156, 171, 194],
[156, 179, 112, 134],
[194, 216, 179, 201],
[126, 141, 67, 89]],
'global_id': 0,
'split_name': 'data_train'
Note: The group_id
points to the image in the hdf5 file.
The models will be saved to saved_models
in the project folder.
The data mode sequential_generation
is assumed (should not be changed)
python3 scripts/ \
--data_dir /data/pento_diaref/didact \
--logdir /cache/tensorboard-logdir \
--gpu 7 \
--model_name classifier-vse-didact \
--batch_size 24 \
--d_model 512
The data mode sequential_generation
is assumed (should not be changed)
python3 scripts/ \
--data_dir /data/pento_diaref/naive \
--logdir /cache/tensorboard-logdir \
--gpu 6 \
--model_name classifier-vse-naive \
--batch_size 24 \
--d_model 512
We use the data mode sequential_generation
python3 scripts/ \
--data_dir /data/pento_diaref/didact \
--logdir /cache/tensorboard-logdir \
--gpu 4 \
--model_name transformer-vse-didact \
--data_mode sequential_generation \
--batch_size 24 \
--d_model 512 \
--dim_feedforward 1024 \
--num_encoder_layers 3 \
--num_decoder_layers 3 \
--n_head 4 \
--dropout 0.2
We use the data mode sequential_generation
python3 scripts/ \
--data_dir /data/pento_diaref/naive \
--logdir /cache/tensorboard-logdir \
--gpu 3 \
--model_name transformer-vse-naive \
--data_mode sequential_generation \
--batch_size 24 \
--d_model 512 \
--dim_feedforward 1024 \
--num_encoder_layers 3 \
--num_decoder_layers 3 \
--n_head 4 \
--dropout 0.2
We use the data mode default_generation
python3 scripts/ \
--data_dir /data/pento_diaref/didact \
--logdir /cache/tensorboard-logdir \
--gpu 2 \
--model_name transformer-didact \
--data_mode default_generation \
--batch_size 24 \
--d_model 512 \
--dim_feedforward 1024 \
--num_encoder_layers 3 \
--num_decoder_layers 3 \
--n_head 4 \
--dropout 0.2
We use the data mode default_generation
python3 scripts/ \
--data_dir /data/pento_diaref/naive \
--logdir /cache/tensorboard-logdir \
--gpu 1 \
--model_name transformer-naive \
--data_mode default_generation \
--batch_size 24 \
--d_model 512 \
--dim_feedforward 1024 \
--num_encoder_layers 3 \
--num_decoder_layers 3 \
--n_head 4 \
--dropout 0.2
The data mode default_generation
is assumed (should not be changed)
python3 scripts/ \
--data_dir /data/pento_diaref/didact \
--logdir /cache/tensorboard-logdir \
--gpu 0 \
--gpu_fraction 0.3 \
--model_name lstm-didact \
--batch_size 24 \
--lstm_hidden_size 1024 \
--word_embedding_dim 512 \
--dropout 0.5
The data mode default_generation
is assumed (should not be changed)
python3 scripts/ \
--data_dir /data/pento_diaref/naive \
--logdir /cache/tensorboard-logdir \
--gpu 0 \
--gpu_fraction 0.3 \
--model_name lstm-naive \
--batch_size 24 \
--lstm_hidden_size 1024 \
--word_embedding_dim 512 \
--dropout 0.5
Choose the best model for each case and move them to the saved_models
We used the model with the highest BLEU score and if equal, the most epochs trained on.
python3 scripts/ \
--data_dir /data/pento_diaref/didact \
--results_dir results \
--model_dir saved_models \
--model_name <model_name> \
--stage_name <stage_name> \
--gpu 0
python3 scripts/ \
--data_dir /data/pento_diaref/didact \
--model_name lstm-naive \
--stage_name test \
--gpu 0 \
--gpu_fraction 0.3
python3 scripts/ \
--data_dir /data/pento_diaref/didact \
--model_name transformer-naive \
--stage_name test \
--gpu 0
python3 scripts/ \
--data_dir /data/pento_diaref/didact \
--model_name transformer-vse-naive \
--stage_name test \
--gpu 0
python3 scripts/ \
--data_dir /data/pento_diaref/didact \
--model_name classifier-vse-naive \
--stage_name test \
--gpu 0
python3 scripts/ \
--data_dir /data/pento_diaref/didact \
--model_name lstm-didact \
--stage_name test \
--gpu 0 \
--gpu_fraction 0.3
python3 scripts/ \
--data_dir /data/pento_diaref/didact \
--model_name transformer-didact \
--stage_name test \
--gpu 0
python3 scripts/ \
--data_dir /data/pento_diaref/didact \
--model_name transformer-vse-didact \
--stage_name test \
--gpu 0
python3 scripts/ \
--data_dir /data/pento_diaref/didact \
--model_name classifier-vse-didact \
--stage_name test \
--gpu 0
python3 scripts/ \
--data_dir /data/pento_diaref/didact \
--model_name transformer-vse-didact \
--stage_name test \
--ablation_mode replace_random \
--gpu 0
python3 scripts/ \
--data_dir /data/pento_diaref/didact \
--model_name transformer-vse-didact \
--stage_name test \
--ablation_mode random_types \
--gpu 0
python3 scripts/ \
--data_dir /data/pento_diaref/didact \
--model_name transformer-vse-didact \
--stage_name test \
--ablation_mode random_regions \
--gpu 0
We need to reference the data dir to load the annotations and lookup get the category name.
python3 scripts/ \
--data_dir /data/pento_diaref/didact \
--results_dir results \
--stage_name test
Original results can be found in the folder original_results