
Composition-Aided Face Photo-Sketch Synthesis

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Results of composition-aided face sketch-photo synthesis.

Composition-Aided Face Photo-Sketch Synthesis.

Jun Yu, Shengjie Shi, Fei Gao*, Dacheng Tao, and Qingming Huang

* Corresponding Author: Fei Gao, gaofei@hdu.edu.cn


The full results are available at Baidu Drive, password: rhd1

Due to space limitation, we only list a small number of results here. The folders are:

  • Photo2Sketch: Synthesize a sketch image from a photo.
  • Sketch2Photo: Synthesize a photo image from a sketch.
  • cross dataset: Models are trained on CUHK dataset and tested on VIPSL dataset.

  • (WANG): WANG's dividing method. Other images are synthesized with the model that are trained on dataset of our dividing method.

  • Each image has five faces (sketches or photos).
    • 1: Input image
    • 2: Ground truth
    • 3: Synthesized sketch/photo by cGAN
    • 4: Synthesized sketch/photo by CA-GAN
    • 5: Synthesized sketch/photo by SCA-GAN

Example results


(a) Input image, (b) cGAN (c) CA-GAN, (d) SCA-GAN


(a) Input image, (b) cGAN (c) CA-GAN, (d) SCA-GAN (e) ground-truth


(a) Input image, (b) cGAN (c) CA-GAN, (d) SCA-GAN (e) ground-truth




If you find this useful for your research, please use the following.

	title = {Composition-Aided Face Photo-Sketch Synthesis},
	author = {Yu, Jun and Shi, Shengjie and Gao, Fei and Tao, Dacheng and Huang, Qingming},
	booktitle = {arXiv:1712.00899},
	year = {2017},


This code borrows heavily from the pytorch-CycleGAN-and-pix2pix repository.

This work is greatly supported by Nannan Wang and Chunlei Peng. (HIT@Xidian University)