Template for Python CLI projects built with Poetry.
Included dependencies:
Install Poetry with
curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/python-poetry/poetry/master/get-poetry.py | python -
(recommended), pipx install poetry
(using pipx),
or pip install --user poetry
Then fork this repository (or generate a new one from it) and:
git clone https://github.com/<username>/poetry-template
cd poetry-template
poetry install
Dependencies can be added and removed with poetry add [--dev] <name>
/ poetry remove [--dev] <name>
and updated with poetry update
Now you can:
- format code with Black:
poetry run black .
- sort imports with isort:
poetry run isort .
- check for style and code errors with Flake8:
poetry run flake8
- run tests with pytest:
poetry run pytest
- run an example script:
poetry run hello --help
A Python sdist and wheel can be built with poetry build
and published with poetry publish
(though be sure to update pyproject.toml
This template is released into the public domain according to the terms of The Unlicense. Do whatever you like with it.