This is a tool meant for people who enjoy blocking ads with a host file but find it tedious to have navigate to the one they like, download it, and then manually import it to their root directory.
I made this as part of a personal project to teach myself python as well as how to use git. So my code documentation doesn't meet up to python standards yet which I'm still working on.
- Managing download links for various host files
- Storing IP and Domain exceptions you want to include in the host file you import. ie: setting facebook to point to your home address so you can focus on work
- Scans hosts when downloaded to verify if there are any faulty or suspiciousIP addresses
- If you're the kind of person who perfers a host file with an ungodly amount of ad domains to block (and as a result blocks websites you need to use) a swap feature is included that swaps your imported host file with a default one. After which you can run the command again to load your host back in to continue blocking away.
- url
- add
- rm
- ipexc
- add
- rm
- file
- dl
- import
- scan
- help