Table of Contents:
- Architecture
- Notes/Todos
- Running the application
PHP: 8.2
MySQL: 5.7.29 (Sqlite for the tests)
Symfony: 7
The focus was on running the recent versions of Symfony and PHP.
Symfony is a bit much for an application of this scope; however, the application is an assessment for a team that primarily uses Symfony. As a developer that does not get a chance to use Symfony often I thought it best to show I could develop a small application using a framework I rarely get to use.
Added after sending link: If I notice issues with the code I'm going to create Issues for them, as I've already sent this for review and do not want to edit the actual code.
Throughout the code base I have included notes, most often they start with:
Chris Rockwell - TODO
I did this to note places where I would make a different decision for a production ready application, or to note where I think I have an opportunity to learn about the "Symfony way" of doing things.
For example, when consuming the Github API data it's just done in a single method that loads it all up. If we were consuming large amounts of data the refresh/resync functionality would likely be handed off to a background process that could handle the create and update functionality asynchronously, and notify any interested parties upon completion (i.e. the observers).
Another way to state this: From a software engineering standpoint I know what I want to do; however, time is of the essence so I noted where I think my knowledge of the framework needs to improve in order to implement the correct pattern/solution. As always, I'm happy to review and discuss any of these.
I didn't get complete test coverage but I wanted to demonstrate using PHPUnit with a sqlite database.
If you're already familiar with Symfony, the steps to run this on your local will be the same. The basics are:
- Clone the repo,
into the directory - Have a database ready to go - you'll need the credentials in the next step. If you're using Lando, your connection string is
- Create a
file with anAPP_KEY
- Run
composer install
- Run
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
- If you run in
mode, you might need to runphp bin/console asset-map:compile
Whether you use docker, Symfony's built-in web server, or your favorite local dev tool - just access the application how you would any other time. If you're using Lando, the url will be
I use Lando for local development, so you'll find a couple relevant files/directories in this repo:
If you're familiar with Lando just run lando start
and then your normal composer commands, prefaced with lando
. For example, lando composer install
. This will give you an appserver running Apache, so the .htaccess
file is important.
If you don't want to use Lando, you can safely ignore those files.