The goal of this Python package is to convert text to CoNLL using spaCy.
Python 3.6 was used to create this project. It might work with older versions of Python.
A number of external modules need to be installed, which are listed in requirements.txt. Depending on how you installed Python, you can probably install the requirements using one of following commands:
pip install -r requirements.txt
This repository is a package. It can hence by imported as such from a parent folder of this package.
from TextToCoNLL import text_to_conll
The function text_to_conll has the following arguments:
- text: the text to convert to CoNLL
- nlp: a spaCy model (result of using spacy.load)
- delimiter: the column delimiter, e.g., "\t" or " "
- output_dir: the output directory
- basename: the basename of the output file
- spacy_attrs: the list of spaCy attrs to use a columns, e.g., ['text', 'lemma_']
- default_values: a dictionary mapping the spaCy attr to a self-defined default value e.g., {"ent_type_" : "O"}. The spaCy attribute has to be part of the argument "spacy_attrs".
- exclude: ignore tokens for which these attributes are True, e.g., all tokens that have "is_space" as True.
- start_with_index: if True, the first column is the index
- overwrite_existing_conll_file: if False, do not allow do overwrite existing files
- verbose: if 1 or higher, logging information will be sent to stdout
Example (from a parent directory of this folder)
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
from TextToCoNLL import text_to_conll
text_to_conll(text='He is walking on air. He is Michael Jordan.',
delimiter=" ",
spacy_attrs=['text', 'lemma_', 'ent_type_'],
default_values={'ent_type_': "O"},
The output will be:
1 He -PRON- O
2 is be O
3 walking walk O
4 on on O
5 air air O
6 . . O
1 He -PRON- O
2 is be O
3 Michael Michael O
4 Jordan Jordan O
5 . . O
- Marten Postma (
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the file for details