
This will be a repository where we'll concentrate all studies involving ES6 new features

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Learning ES6

Hi, here you'll find all exercises that i'm doing and have done since I started to study the new ES6 features.

How to Collaborate

  • Just send a pull request or open an issue to send more useful links! After it, I'll update the list!

Chapter One:

Let and Const
  • let and const are new variables declaration on ES6 that gives you power for create block scoped variables, and when you are using const, also forbids you from change them.
Template literals
  • Using the ` character to create a template string with easy replacement of content like:
let languageName = "JavaScript";
console.log(`${languageName} syntax highlighting`;

that corresponds to JavaScript syntax highlighting :)

Chapter Two:

Arrow functions
  • The inspiration for arrow functions implementation have origin on CoffeScript syntax:
add = (a,b) ->
    a + b

console.log( add(2,3) );
and the Arrow Function equivalent, thats very useful for functional programming
let add = (a,b) => a + b;
console.log( add(2,3) );
So, arrow functions are lexically scoped functions with a simplified syntax and because of scope allow us to access parental scope inside forEach, forIn, and others functions easily.

Chapter Three:

Spread Operators and Rest Parameters
  • The feature for spread operators on javascript helps us to access any numbers of arguments passed to a function, simplifying the quantity of written code and helping at the semantic look of your code.

Before ES6:

let sum = function() {
    return Array.prototype.reduce.call(arguments,(prev, curr) => {
        return prev + curr;


After ES6:

let sum = function(...args) {
    return args.reduce((prev, curr) => prev + curr);


Chapter Four:

  • Destructuring is a new feature that allows u to get data from object or array easier

Before ES6:

var Router = require('react-router').Router;

After ES6:

import { Router } from 'react-router';

Chapter Five:

Using gulp and babel
  • Gulp is a JS task manager and babel it's a js lib who allow u to transpile your ES6 code into es5, or keep es6 depending of your task (That's cool :)

  • Check it out on the gulpfile.js (Where the tasks are :) ) Go to file

  • Doubts on gulp and babel installation: Using es6 with gulp and babel

Chapter Six:

Promises and Fetch Api


  • Promises are objects who represents an asynchronous processing, a promise could represents a value available now, on the future, or never.

Promise syntax:

new Promise(/* executor */ (resolve, reject) => { ... });
  • Promise states:
    • A promise could be:
      • Pending - Initial state, promise not realized yet
      • Fulfilled - Success on processing
      • Rejected - Some error
      • Settled - Established, this state indicates your promise finish but his result could be realized (fulfilled) or rejected.
  • Promise methods
  • On this section we have used two promises methods:

    • The all method:
    Promise.all([myPromise, myPromise2])
        .then((data) => {
        // This method only works if all promises resolve, if one fails will be on catch block
        .catch((err) => {
    • The race method
    //This race method, it's how you handle multiple promises
    Promise.race([myPromise, myPromise2])
        // This method only works if first promise resolved
        .then((data) => console.log(data))
        // This method only works if first promise rejected
        .catch((data) => console.log(data));
  • For other references and utilization: MDN Golbal Objects - Promises

Fetch API

  • The fetch method allow us to connect directly on a url and gets a promise with his result:
//The fetch method returns us a promise, allowing us to use then to handle our api data
    .then((res) => {
    // The res object return a method json, this method could receive an arrow
    // function as parameter to get data from the object
        res.json().then((data) => {
    .catch((err) => {