= Introduction Capistrano-S3 is a capistrano deployment strategy that will: * svn export locally * make a tarball (named after the svn revision) of the release * push the tarball to S3 * each server pulls that tarball from S3 This allows one to use an svn repository not exposed to the outside world, save time pushing out of a poky cable modem, and have new EC2 instances pull directly from S3 on startup. If the tarball is already in S3 (from a previous deployment, say to a staging instance) the checkout is skipped. = Installation gem install capistrano_s3 To use it, specify properties in <tt>config/deploy.rb</tt>: set :deploy_via, :s3_bucket set :deploy_s3_bucket, 'com.example.releases' # The name of the S3 bucket that should get releases s3_config = YAML::load(ERB.new(IO.read("secret/s3.yml")).result) # Follow this pattern and don't ckin your secrets # s3_config = { 'AWS_ACCOUNT_NUMBER' => '1234-5678-9012', 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID' => 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST', 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY' => 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890ABC' } set :s3_config, s3_config Now regular capistrano deployment tasks will go through S3 = About Rubyforge Project:: http://rubyforge.org/projects/capistrano-s3 Author:: Bill Kirtley - bill.kirtley at [nospam] gmail dt com License:: Distributed under MIT License Copyright:: 2008 Bill Kirtley, Virosity Inc.