
Expand pinpoint (https://github.com/naver/pinpoint) project query function

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Pinpoint Search


Expand pinpoint query function

Support pinpoint precise search

You can query the request list by application, agent_id, request path, exec range, time range, Exception, as shown in the following figure:

Support to click Transaction ID to directly link to pinpoint request.

Getting Started




  • Need to configure hbase.properties in pinpoint-search-web module, same as pinpoint-web configuration。

  • Need to configure pinpoint.properties in pinpoint-search-web module

    • pinpointWebUrl pinpointWebUrl Configure your pinpoint web host address, for example: http://localhost:9000

    • history configure pinpoint-web HTML5 History mode, history = true Transaction ID url will not have#http://localhost:9000/transactionList/TestApp@STAND_ALONE/5m/2020-04-12-11-19-48/

    • query.limit Configure the maximum number of queries

    • hbase.num.parallel.threads configures the number of threads for multi-threaded queries


mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true

Build and generate pinpoint-search-web-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war

Before it needs to be modified pinpoint

In order to support Pinpoint server-side search, a simple modification of Pinpoint is required

  1. Modify pinpoint-collector module Class com.navercorp.pinpoint.collector.dao.hbase.HbaseApplicationTraceIndexDao

Add the code in the red box to the insert method, as shown below:

  • pinpoint version 1.x.x

  • pinpoint version 2.0.x

  1. Modify pinpoint-web module Class com.navercorp.pinpoint.web.mapper.TransactionIdMapper

Modify the red box in the mapRow method and add exception handling

  1. Modify pinpoint-web module Class com.navercorp.pinpoint.web.mapper.TraceIndexScatterMapper3

Modify the red box in the mapRow method and add exception handling

Do the same

  1. In pinpoint project recompile pinpoint-web and pinpoint-collector two modules

mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true -pl web -am

mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true -pl collector -am


pinpoint1.6.x - pinpoint2.0.x


Apache License


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