
A Python package that allows for simple access to Pastebin's API.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

PPAW: The Python Pastebin API Wrapper.

PPAW, an acronym for "Python Pastebin API Wrapper", is a Python package that allows for simple access to Pastebin's API. PPAW aims to be as easy to use as possible and is developed based on official documentation found here.


A compatible version of python-requests can be installed via $ pip install -r requirements.txt.



PPAW can be imported in a number of ways due to how the package is structued.

  • import ppaw will allow PPAW's main features to be accessed via ppaw.pastebin.Pastebin
  • from ppaw import pastebin will allow PPAW's main features to be accessed via pastebin.Pastebin

For the sake of the usage guide we will be using import ppaw.


In order to change the User-Agent that all requests are performed with, you must set the ppaw.pastebin.request.USERAGENT variable to whatever you wish the User-Agent to be.

ppaw.pastebin.request.USERAGENT = "my app v1.0.0"

Error Handling

PPAW's request module handles all GET and POST requests performed to the API, and more specifically detects when an error is returned by the API. All errors the request module detects will be raised as ppaw.errors.PPAWBaseException exceptions. The ppaw.errors.PPAWBaseException exception has two main important properties: code and msg. code is the error-code returned by the API (if there is one), and msg is the error string returned by the API.

>>> import ppaw
>>> pb = ppaw.pastebin.Pastebin("bad_api_key")
>>> try:
...     trending = pb.get_trending_pastes()
... except ppaw.errors.PPAWBaseException as e:
...     print("Error: {}".format(e.msg))
Error: invalid api_dev_key


The Paste Object

Both getting and creating a paste will return a Paste object. The Paste object has the following properties:

  • str key: Key of the paste.
  • int date: Timestamp of when paste was created.
  • str title: Title of the paste.
  • int size: Size of the paste in bytes.
  • int expire_date: Timestamp of when the paste will expire. (?)
  • int private: Level of paste privacy. {0: Public, 1: Unlisted, 2: Private}
  • str format_short: Short display of the paste's format.
  • str format_long: Long display of the paste's format.
  • str url: Full URL of paste.
  • int hits: Amount of views paste has.
  • str data: Data the paste contains.

Note that almost all of this information will be None when the Paste object is created by fetching an existing poll, as the API does not return this information. Specifically, only key, url and data will have actual information from the paste. The rest of these fields will be filled when creating new pastes or when the paste is fetched from Pastebin.get_trending_pastes().

You can call fetch() on a Paste object at any time in order to get an up to date copy of the data in the paste. The result will not be returned, but rather stored in the data property.

Getting a Paste

>>> import ppaw
>>> pb = ppaw.pastebin.Pastebin("good_api_key")
>>> paste = pb.get_paste("2qbRKh3R")
>>> paste.data[:100]
u'**** LEAK ****\r\nALL CREDIT CARD PIN CODES IN THE WORLD LEAKED\r\n\r\n0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 '

Creating a Paste

>>> import ppaw
>>> pb = ppaw.pastebin.Pastebin("good_api_key")
>>> paste = pb.create_paste("Created with Python Pastebin API Wrapper", "ppaw test", "python", 1, "N", True)
>>> paste.key